
How long would it take to earn $8,000.00? I'm 14 years old.

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I am not looking for a job at a grocery store, fast food restaurant, baby sitter, or anything like that. I want to use my creative talents to make this money. I can...

1. Make video games (for mac and windows. They're 2D, but far beyond Flash.)

2. Make movies and short films (I do this very well. I direct, act, edit, write music, and do special effects. I always end up with an amazing final product.)

3. I'm just generally good at anything creative. I pick up things easily and fast, so this last one is open for anything.

What would be the fastest way to raise this money? I know I would like to work to make people happy using my talents!





  1. Learn a musical instrument and busk.

    Set up an internet store type-of-thing, like or eBay. You could make crafty things, print tshirts, sell art, etc.

    Or you could have a garage sale selling some of your stuff.

    Unfortunately, it will probably take a long time to earn 8 grand just from these types of "jobs". You might have to suck it up and get a job at the grocery store, while using your creativity on the side as extra income.

  2. My friend and I have an internet company. I am 15. Him and another friend do Web Hosting and game servers. He does graphic design and sells web site designs, logos and other designs online. I build custom PCs for people (you already know about that). Best thing you can do is learn basic web design, or find a friend who can make a decent website. Get a website set up with your skills and contact info, and advertise like crazy. Just remember not to spam because it makes people less likely to check your site out. Remember not to over charge like're not Apple.

    That doesn't answer your question however. It will probably take a while to save 8G up. At least two years, unless you become some insane internet star, in which case, I demand 10%.

  3. do the things you are good at. you are only 14, you shouldnt be worrying so much about money. sorry

    *** it will probably take you 2-2 1/2 years only which isnt that long... just dont spend it! =) good luck

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