
How long would it take to get a 5 min mile down to a 4 min mile?

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maybe a couple of year or what?




  1. tempted to say "4 minutes if you run fast enough", but that would be just wrong......

  2. It depends on how old you are and how much you train.  Keep in mind that a 4:00 mile can win a high school state meet, and do very very well in college.  Less people have a mile under 4 minutes than those who have climbed Mt. Everest, so it's no easy feat.  You really need to want it to get it.

  3. Three years of hard training. That is what I'm going for, so by the time I'm a senior I want to be sub 4.

  4. if you're like me never

  5. From a 5-minute mile down to a 4-minute mile would take about 60-seconds!

  6. it depends on your training and motivation as well as genetics. not everyone is physically capable of running a 4 minute mile no matter how much they train. Also it gets more difficult to take time off the closer you get to 4 min. you can shave big chunks off a 5 min pretty quickly, like 5-10 seconds at a time, but once you get to like 4:20-25 it starts to be taking a few seconds or less than a second off each time so it is difficult to say exactly how long it would take. I ran 4:54 half-way through my sophomore track season and now (summer after senior year or about 3 years) I have just gotten under 4:20.

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