
How long would it take to grow out my hair?

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I have hair that's like armpit length(haah). I want to grow it out to my hips how long would it take to grow it that long? I have thick hair and its pretty healthy. So how long would it take to grow it from where it is now to my hips?




  1. Hair grows about a foot a year. I wish I had that problem, see avatar.

  2. I'd say 3 years or moreee.

    Curious..whys it so short..?

  3. theres no way to tell, everybodys hair grows at different speeds, just wash it often and use heat protecttion, if you keep it in its prime health it should grow faster. Hope this helped!:-)

  4. It really depends on how fast your hair grows.  Probably like 2 years though! :)


  5. 2 years. Depending on how tall you are. It took me two year to get my hair from my shoulders to my waist(I was short), so around that time. Maybe 3-5 years.

  6. 5-7 years

  7. i don't know but may i suggest brewer's yeast and fish oil, they help with hair and skin

  8. i have grown and chopped and grown and chopped my hair and donated 4 times already to "locks of love".

    I also have healthy thick hair. It usually takes me 2 years from a regular pixie chop to get my hair to my lower back so for you to get your hair to your hips my guess is 31/2 years.

    Start taking prenatal vitamins and it will grow even faster! good luck!

  9. well, the average length of hair growth is about an inch per month. Measure the lenth from your armpit to your hip. The number of inches is the amount of months you gotta wait. XD (approximately)

  10. years

  11. 4 years

  12. hair growth, make your hair healthier and provide all the vital elements for fast growing, stronger, and beautiful hair.To Know more about your hair will help you.

  13. about a 1 1/2 year, it depends on how fast your hair grows and how often you trim it.....even when growing your hair out it is best to trim your hair to keep it healthy!!!

  14. I love all of these answers. The average person really has no idea. Anyway I am a hair stylist who specializes in long hair. If you say your hair is in good condition which I trust I have two recommendations for you. If your really serious about getting long hair and keeping it long the first thing to do is find a stylist who specializes in long hair. Otherwise you will get bad advice, I promise. Second and this is the only way to get LONG hair, don't cut it! Only trim it (meaning less than an inch) every 5-8 months. Don't ever get a trim at less than 3 months. People say your hair grows faster but it doesn't and your only cutting off the new growth you already have so it will never happen. All of my clients who have hair really long never come in for a trim prior to 4 months and some wait as long as 9 months now. All you have to do is avoid alot of colors and try not to blow dry your hair often and your hair should stay in good shape. Don't concentrate on having a few split ends that is no big deal just the overall condition of your hair and that is where a long hair stylist will come in handy. Also, check out some long hair forums on the web and you will find more information that you can imagine about healthy products etc. Good luck!

  15. your hair grows 2 inches a month(that the average girl) (half an inch for guys) if your hair is that short i would say anywhere from 3 to 7 years.

  16. half inch a month

    so it really depends how tall you are. but itd be about 5 years

  17. roughly a year-year and a half

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