
How long would it take to me to start in nottinghamshire , ENGLAND , and travel to spain and then germany..?

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How long would it take to me to start in nottinghamshire , ENGLAND , and travel to spain and then germany..?




  1. It depends where in Spain and Germany but - Nottinghamshire to Madrid takes 19 hours and 15 minutes (if you were driving there and advarage about 50mph

    then Madrid to Berlin would take about 21 hours and 25 minutes again driving at an average of 50 mph

    so total journey (not including stops) 40 hours 40 minutes

    if you wanna know distances to other German or Spanish cities just let me know

    as long as you are comfortable in your car it doesnt really matter what type of car you have - but i find vauxhall cars most reliable on long jouneys.

    in a 1.6 it will probably cost about £50 in petrol to get to the channel (it costs me that and i live in Warwickshire - but that is in a 1.4)

    Calais to Madrid is then about 4 times that distance - so will cost roughly £200 and then Madrid to Berlin should be roughly £300

    so total whole lot of petrol - £550

    but you will also need to include the cost of the ferry crossing (about £99 depending on when you go)

    also the petrol on the continent is cheaper so petrol cost might be a bit less than i worked out as i am unsure of the exact German  and Spanish petrol cost atm I did it based on UK prices and Contintental prices a few months ago

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