
How long would it take to walk what usually takes a car 1 and half to two hours?

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How long would it take to walk what usually takes a car 1 and half to two hours?




  1. It depends on the speed of the car. An average human walks 2-3 miles per hour, you figure it out.

  2. TOOO LONG!!!!

  3. mmm too long! if you run i guess it would make it shorter lol

  4. I would say it takes 3000 minutes, if your car is going on 60 miles per hour.

  5. Depends on the average speed of the car, but I'd assume it was 40+ miles so it would probably take you a couple days.

  6. average walking speed of a adult person is 6mph

    average distance a vehicle would travel at say 50mph

    so if a vehicle drove 75 miles in 1 1/2 hours

    it would assuming you had no breaks take you 12.5 hours

    however as it is unlikely you would walk this without stopping it would be a good 6 hours walking a day with an overnight stay en route

  7. That depends on how fast the car is travelling and how fast the person is walking...

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