She was seeing him every 2-3 months. It's been 6 months and she's missed 2 scheduled meetings. He is only 1 yo so it doesn't really have an effect on him yet.
Do you continue to honor the open adoption if it's 2 or 3 years down the road when she decides she wants to see my son again? Would that be detrimental to him? I entered into the open adoption for the benefit to my son so I don't want to do anything to harm him. Should I tell her that she at least needs to make sure she sees him within the next 6 months in order for him to grow into who she is? I just think it would be weird for him at 2,3, 4 years old to meet her again and have no idea who she is. What do you think?
Also, please don't accuse me of trying to close the adoption as that is the last thing I want to do. This is actually very hard on me as well since I care about her very much.