
How long would you need to be missing before someone noticed you weren't there?

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How long would you need to be missing before someone noticed you weren't there?




  1. Until they got hungry... sigh :(

  2. They would never notice.  (if you're talking about current events again)

    At home it'd be tea time.

    Thanks Snizz :)

  3. 5 minutes at home

    On here about a week.......

    who the feck are YOU????

  4. Pretty d**n quick, about a month.

  5. You still sound like twigs. Go throw yourself on a bonfire please.

    I'd need to be gone about 24 hours before people worried,

  6. depends how often we're used to seeing them

    someone who uses the site every day - would be missed in a week or so

  7. it would all depend on your job and social status as if a homeless person went missing who is going to know but if Gordan brown went missing the whole world would know within hours

  8. Since I'M the one who has the Money, about 5 minutes- on average.  :)

  9. why do you sound like twigs??

    I would notice Kerry!!!! :)

  10. I think legally it has to be 24 hours before one can notify the police and start doing sommert about it.

  11. not long

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