
How long would you stay married if you think you made a mistake?

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How long could you stay married to a guy if yuo think deepdown you made a mistake? You are a 28 year old woman and were devastated when you and your longterm boyfriend broke up. YOu still love each other, there was no real good reason for the breakup. However, you meet another guy and a few months later get married. All of your friends and family tell you not to do it, but you convince yourself its the right thing to do. You get marreid, but deepdown think you should have maybe waited for the other guy (even though hubby treats you nice) and were embarrassed to call off the wedding and admit your mistake that you were marrying while desperate and not thinking well.

If this was the case, how long would you stay married and try to make your marriage work and at lleast give it a shot? A few years, how many?




  1. Why did you even get married in the first place? You knew beforehand that this was a mistake and still got married? Divorce your husband and let him find someone who really loves him. He deserves better.

  2. You may want to bring up the subject of swinging to your husband.  See if he is responsive to the idea of another man banging his wife.  If he is, you can hook up with your old boyfriend and his new squeeze.  If hubby says no to swinging or watching you get balled by another guy, you should still stay with your husband anyway.  It's not your husband's fault you aren't riding the one you want to be riding.

    You handle the misgivings and remorse with alcohol (prescription drugs if you can get them.  Most doctors will give you what you want for a hummer).  Have a fling with your old boyfriend on the side as a last resort.  

  3. Only YOU can determine this...

    If you made a mistake, you need to address this now - rather than dragging your husband along like a rag doll on a chain.

    You made the go fix it.

  4. If you were too embarrassed to call off the wedding then that's just immaturity on your part.  Get divorced right now and wait for all the I told you so's from your family and friends.  

  5. Oh my, I feel for you. Well, I have two thoughts: First off because of my spiritual beliefs I wouldn't want to encourage anyone to get a divorce. You made a lifelong vow, a commitment to be with this man. It would be wrong to say 'oops sorry but I've changed my mind'. My other thought is not as responsible but if you've only been married a few months you could get an annulment. Legally different than a divorce. It wipes the slate clean, but only legally. I hope you make the right decision. Good luck to you!  

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