
How long you think it will take before we go send in troops to make russia leave georgia?

by  |  earlier

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they don't want any part of american military machine, we got some battle hardened soldiers from iraq who know how to fight and could fight a conventional war much better than the iraqi war.




  1. Jeff doesn't know what hes talking about...

    ask condoleezza rice if its to risky to fight a war with anyone. we are the only super power in the world and thats why we are the peace keepers.

    we will fight a war with anyone, over almost anything, if it comes down to war.

    Most likely Putin will do what we tell him to do, but if not and he stays aggressive, we have to choose but to fight a war with russia, its the American way

  2. We most likely will not.  We will just gripe about it.

  3. We will not go in as long as the Soviets are there.   Once they pull out we will suddenly land 1000-2000 troops so that if the Soviets come back they will know THEY started a war with the USA.

    (I call them Soviets because that is what they are acting like.   Putin is acting like Stalin.)  

  4. A military confrontation will NOT make Russia leave Georgia.....that is the LAST thing we should do.....

    FIRST Georgia is NOT our business.... there is no threat against America

    SECOND There are other non-military ways to get Russia to back off

    .... for example much of Russia's money is in foreign banks..... freezing their assets would get their attention

    THIRD Our role should be in support of our friend Georgia but it should NOT be putting our troops in combat.....we need to unite Europe and not allow Russia to re-conquer the little nations of eastern Europe.....If Georgia goes so will Latvia, Estonia etc

  5. as soon as them russian grunts start calling american gi's sissy names there will be war.  

  6. We are not going to fight a conventional war with Russia over Georgia, nor will we ever.  It's too risky, especially with all those nukes.  At best we might do like what we did in Afghanistan and fight a war by proxy, ie.. arming the Georgians.  Even that is risky, and there were limits to it in Afghanistan as well.  Regan knew that pushing too hard in Afghanistan could have risked a direct war.  

  7. We send in what troops?  You mean private military contractors, maybe?  We have none to spare.

  8. I find it scary how many complacent people there are on these boards! The question says everything.

    Look up the word “Complacent” and see how many military failures are due to this simple term.

  9. There are no troops to send anywhere right now.

    A draft is needed to replenish the troops.

    Are you willing to sign up?

    the USA has no leverage right now.

    Putin is sticking it to the USA.


  10. There is no way we CAN or will fight over Georgia - we are stretched so thin now by the Bush/Cheney oil war and the war in Afghanistan that we need any military we have left for protection of our own country. And just where do WE have the moral authority to tell ANYONE who not to invade? Can you spell Iraq?  So, the short answer to your question: We will pick a fight with the NEW Soviet Union under Putin when that really hot place freezes over.

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