
How long(Can't think of a longer title)?

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I am thinking about buying a horse which is located about 120 miles away from me. Is it possible to travel a horse for 3hrs (approx.)?

I would not know about stops as it's being delivered.

Charlotte x




  1. 3 hours isnt that long at all hun!! I would supply thehorse with a haynet in the box though and also stop half way and offer him a drink of water just to ensure he doesnt get dehydrated.


  2. yes it shouldnt be a problem as long as the horse is a fairly good traveller and the person bringing him to u is an experienced horsebox driver, dont worry about it your new horse will be fine.

    we often travel our horses a lot further than 120 miles and then compete the next day with them and they are fine

  3. Yes that would be fine. I know people who are coming from NY and going to TX

  4. Yes, I think it would be, considering, if you've already test ridden the horse, and such.

    3 hours is not that long of a ride to be quite honest with you. If your horse is a good horse, good for it, just stop to check on it, and make sure it has food and water. :]  

  5. No problem. lt`s not uncommon for a racehorse to be driven 2-300 miles, and run the same day. Don`t worry, it`ll be fine.

  6. yer it will be fine.

    stop to check it tho a couple of times

  7. Of course you can.  Horses can ride in a trailer for way over 15 hours so dont worry about it the horse will be fine.

  8. its fine. People that show in national rated shows sometimes have to ship there horse 6 hours and more. Horses can also go in Plains and other ways as well when you ship them internationaly(sp)

  9. OF COURSE! How do you think the Americans got their horses all the way to Beijing? !! !!

    Give it a haynet

  10. Of course, it's quite commonplace. - check out this question for some ideas about travelling, I gave quite a detailed answer and there are other good answers too!

  11. Yes it is possible.  

    However the driver would need to stop and check the horse over say every hour for distress, sweating, etc and give it a drink of water.  It is not practical for the horse to be unloaded and dangerous at any point - I nearly lost a horse at Watford Gap services station.  My mother decided to unload him for a short walk and he panicked when he saw a lorry.  Fortunately his stomach was stronger.  He was the greediest horse in Christendom and a bucket and a whistle brought him back under control.

    When the horse arrives check him over for lumps and bumps and also check his general demeanor.  A drugged horse will be completely uninterested in his or her new surroundings, his eyes will look dull and he will have a general tired, sometimes wobbly look.  I was sent a horse in this state and when he was boxed a few weeks later he was not a happy horse.  

    Give him a drink of water and some hay and let him settle down in the stable.  Go and talk to him and groom him and pet him, get to know him from the ground and do not ride him.  Horses do get tired on even the shortest of journeys - remember they cannot see where they are going, the jolts and bangs and turns when they are not expecting it and they have to balance.  It is quite strenuous.

    After the first night, then of course you can ride him if appropriate.  He might take a few days to settle so do not expect too much of him.

    Enjoy your new horse.  Good luck.

  12. 3 Hours is absolutely no big deal for trailering a horse, to reduce the risk of a stress related colic I wouldn't feed grain prior to the ride, but a hay bag is a good idea. And being without water for three hours is no problem either.  

  13. yes... it's fine. i know someone who got their horse shipped from texas. she lives in mass

  14. Your horse will be fine, as long as she/he's a good- mannered horse in a trailer.  

  15. People get horses delivered from all over the world, including on boats and trains. 3 hours isn`t a very long ride, I went and picked mine up from 2 hours away and we stopped once to make sure she was ok, but it didn`t seem to bother her at all. Ask the person you are buying it from how well it travels. But I doubt it will be too big of a problem : )

  16. Oh ya.  Horses are trailered across the country, 3 hours is nothing much...

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