
How lonq can yuh qo wl out your period?

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How lonq can yuh qo wl out your period?




  1. there is no set time.

    theres lots of reasons, the most common ones when a woman doesnt have her period....

    Apart from pregnancy, the commonest reason is the hormonal clock . we have a thermostat in the area of the brain called the hypothalamus. The thermostat regulates every bit of our existence. It is influenced by the cerebral cortex. So stress, worry etc will do it.

    Sometimes after having taken the pill ie oral contraceptive it can take some time.

    but theres no set time limit for it, usually its a good idea to consult your doctor

  2. Now that would depend on what you mean by period. Do you mean period of sleep, or athletics or a period of reading what do you mean ? JB.

  3. Indefinitely.  Many female athletes do not have periods for as long as they are in training, if your body fat proportion gets to low your periods will stop.

    You do not need periods to have general good health.

  4. ummm.. in the beginning i went w.o it 4 a whole month..

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