
How loose can the heatsink be? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm building a new pc and have a new OCZ heatsink and fan combo and it is HUGE. It almost touches the opposite side panel. Anyway, it will move position easily. I know part of the reason is the size but should I be able to move it with two fingers(like a C-clamp-thumb&index finger) easily? I don't want to burn up my new CPU! I would be forever greatful for any advice.




  1. my tuniq tower is literally touching my side fan, heatsink should be very very tight, trust me the tighter it is the cooler it will be, i get 22c with E6550 3.2ghz

  2. The whole purpose of the heatsink is to absorb the heat from the CPU and then to release it .The closer and  tighter the contact between the two parts, the better the heat transfer can take place.

    "If  the movement is from side to side, I wouldn't worry. Check your temperatures to be sure. Now if the movement is UP and DOWN from the processor, and I mean  from contact with the CPU Die (The metal portion of the CPU is the die) then there is a big problem.

    For safety's sake you should buy some arctic silver 3, clean off the old pad completely from CPU die and Heatsink with rubbing alcohol and apply a very small amount of AC3. This could prevent you from stability headaches later on."

    In summary any deficiency in the heatsink pulling heat off the chip will show up in weird errors and problems that seem to have no cause and worst will endanger the CPU and its life expectancy."

  3. Don't forget the heat transfer paste!

  4. Movement in the heatsink can cause damage to the motherboard.  That is actually one of the reasons why the xbox 360 dies. if you can try to get it secured better. Use washers if you have to.

  5. If you are sure that the heat sink is sitting flat and all 4 pins are properly engaged and tensioned, I think you're okay.

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