
How low are you liberals willing to go?

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I mean since McCain made his VP choice punblic I have heard nothing but attacks coming from you guys and I've heard some pretty low stuff my question is how low are you guy willing to go?

But the lowest by far I've heard is this one...;_ylt=AmmDOomvFFB2SkhFsnSEZaPBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080829223207AAQnlQB&show=7#profile-info-a6AQ1kGTaa





  1. I'm a moderate and not a liberal, but both the Democrats and the Republicans have put in plenty of low blows this year.  Get off your high horse and stop playing the martyr.  

  2. I heard Alan Colmes tonight stop someone in their tracks who was brining up the whole state trooper firing controversy.  You should not assume all liberals are underhanded.  I am sure there will be legitimate issues to discuss, and there will be idiots on both sides.  (e.g. obama osama/that is just as dumb and uncalled for).

  3. As low as they feel they have to. They are worried now and the primal response to fear is agression.

  4. Liberals - Conservatives.  Republican - Democrat.  W/E.  People are people.  There are bad ones and there are good BOTH categories. (Of course, not something i expect to hear a conservative say...LOL).  But truly, Not all liberals are man eating attackers, as you've implied...  Some liberals are the low scum of the earth, and Some are conservatives...  That's just life.  Move on man! LOL

  5. Nice response... you now retract all the deragatory postings (on Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, and Jill Biden) by your bretheren here?  

    Yea...I didn't think so.

    Funny how one's shoe feels uncomfortable when it is on the other foot, eh?

  6. Oh my god, what an ***! That’s really low. Liberals will always set new lows; it’s just in their mantra  

  7. Yes I saw that question, and its been really bad all day.  They just "hate" anything with an "R" by its name.  I've seen questions they'd never have asked Hillary or Michelle Obama for that matter...but remember many of them are paid operatives and they probably haven't gotten their talking points yet....McCain caught them a little off guard today - they were suppose to be touting Obama's speech all day not attacking the Hockey Mom of Alaska.

  8. They always say they are the party of understanding and tolerance, yet soon as someone they do not like they have to insult.

    They called Colin Powell  a house N-word, during the war.

    They called Clarence Thomas a Uncle Tom.

    They called one of Hillary's supporters a Uncle Tom.

    They call Condiliza Rice a sell out.

    They even suggested Bill Clinton was a racist, for criticizing Obama.

    Now they are suggesting that Palin needs to stay home with the kids.


  9. They were going to vote for Hilary..

  10. Amazing reflection on the party I belong to:

    Name calling, rumor spreading, sexism, prejudice, great ideas, guys.

    Democrats for McCain.

  11. I don't know, I really thought the whole "she should've aborted her son because he's disabled" argument was pretty low.  I mean that's genetic cleansing at its heart.  That's the stuff of the Gestapo for crying out loud.   Kill someone because they aren't physically perfect.  Messed up.   And attacking a mother because she chose not to kill her offspring is just ridiculous.   But it's a clear sign that they are running scared.   This choice obviously threw the Dems for a loop and they do not know how to handle it, at all.

  12. as much as they want to

  13. That's Democrats for you, they have no ideas so they attack people. Only low forms of life act like that.

  14. Let's look at the republicans attacks on each other, same s*x marriages, affirmative action and everything against minorities. I personally don't care about this broad but this is the year Democrats aren't going to be quiet anymore.

    After 9/11 Democrats were told we were traders when we voted against the war.


  15. I hate when people put links to other questions on yahoo because the person you're trying to attack is statistically not going to even see your question.

    But I believe no one is going to change their vote because of his running mate choice, so I wouldn't bother getting so worked up.

  16. Because conservatives ALWAYS think they're right. Always.

  17. It's all politics; it's all dirt on both sides.

  18. they play dirty, remember?

    they hate the truth.

  19. Wow you would almost think that Dems play dirty in elections when for years all we have heard is Carl Rove does.

    We know better though, they would all be happy a woman was nominatted for VP even if they dont agree with her politics.

    They may not vote for her but would never call her names or insult her intellect or question her morals or suggest she got the nod because her future boss was hot for her. No this is the pro woman party they wouldnt do that!

  20. They claim to be for women, etc but no a woman is running and the latest attack has been Gov. Palin's recent childbirth to her son Trig, who has down syndrome. The poor child is sick and people are jumping on this. It's disgraceful and people who question the birth of a child should be ashamed of themselves.  

  21. I am in no way a liberal but i would say if there were doing the limbo they would be willing to go as low as they could to win.

  22. Right...but Obama is a terrorist Muslim who hates America and thats fair game to you Republicans.....

    Get real!

  23. They are getting desperate and it shows..

  24. People are frigging idiots. Whos cares what they say. There backing a loser. Now that there is a woman in the race, when Obama loses, it won't look like it's on purpose. Who's low down now?

  25. We're willing to go pretty low, but we just can't seem to beat the current Limbo champions - the Republicans. We'll try again in London 2012.

  26. Just wait, it will get much much worse.

  27. How low am  as a liberal am I willing to go?

    I'm willikng to go so low as to not only give money to groups that will help the poor, but to go meet them myself.

    I'm willing to go so low that I think that this nation needs to return to those that keep it running, the middle and lower classes.

    I'm willing to go so low as to pay attention to the smallest species as they disappear off of the face of this earth, because each chip out of the complex eco system represents a threat to every species and every form of life on the planet.

    I'm willing to go so low that I want to ensure that the lowest of the low in other Countries, such as Africa and India, are lifted out of their poverty, and into the life that they deserve.

    I'm willing to go so low, that I am willing to turn aside my own wealth, so that I have more to share wih others.

    Christ taught the ultimate liberal example.

    Only can one be saved, only can one be great, if they bend themselves low out of love for everyone else.

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