
How low can you go......???

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How low can you go......???




  1. I have been known to really get down and dirty. Is that low enough?

  2. How ever low it requires to get it on!!!!

  3. I don't go low, but I move down till I get what I want.

  4. a little?

    help me please?

  5. Well, that all depends on where your lowest low is and where your highest high is, now, doesn't it? :)

    Low is a completely relative term.  Spiritually, your lowest low is the pit of h**l,  and then also spiritually, on the other end of the spectrum, Heaven is your highest high possible.   In a house, your highest high is the attic, and in your house, again, the lowest low, is probably the basement, but if you dont' have a basement, then it probably would be your crawlspace.  See, it's all relative!

  6. when it comes to you, just right at the bottom of your pearl

    when it comes to me, lower than a beggar  

  7. all the way to the floor

  8. All the way to the floor.

    But i probably wouldn't be able to get myself back up.



  9. depends on what the situation is

  10. w/o water: 17 hours

    w/o food: 27 hours

    w/o sleep: 48 hours

    w/o s*x: 72 hours

  11. can you bring it to the top, and never ever stop?

    Everybody clap your hands, clap clap clap ur hands

    criss cross criss cross!

  12. ----------------------------------------...

    tHiS lOw♥

  13. that low, i can touch  the flo!;...

  14. Very Low Baby!

  15. All da way 2 the floor baby :D  

  16. Do the limbo limbo limbo - do the limbo!

  17. Well you know if you lie down on the floor i am very low. :D

  18. Perhaps you'd like to be reminded one more time. ;-)

  19. i go so low i can go UNDER DA GROOUND XD

  20. As low as I want to go

  21. Go low to the floor and bring back up REPEAT

  22. Low enough

  23. low low low low lol o yea i got that song playing up here girl come on

  24. stealing from the church collection plate

    though i haven't done it because i haven't been there in years

    if i go sometime though, i'll probably try. if i have the opportunity.

  25. Quite low -- I very much enjoy going down, and with the right inspiration, I can sink to absolutely new depths.

  26. pretty low

  27. As low as you want babe............x

    Argh was that a fella only question,     Well lets see what they

    luv ya hun, and missed u...........x

  28. .........

  29. as low as....

    ......down under....

  30. Lower than whale p**p

    I went lower than Robin.I'm under her.

  31. If your talking about Revenge. I do not believe in it.

    If your talking range, Bass.

    If You mean price I'll give it away.

    If You mean limbo only halfway.

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