
How low is safe for the bottom number of your blood pressure reading to be?

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How low is safe for the bottom number of your blood pressure reading to be?




  1. If the bottom number (diastolic) pressure is 60 or higher you're good.  If it's below 60 it's cause for concern, but that doesn't mean you should panic.  Talk to your doctor if your numbers are too low.

  2. 80 is the generic # used as a reference for the healthy average. More than +/-20 of that warrants some attention at least.

  3. It's really the systolic (top number) that governs perfusion of the vital organs, so when THAT dips too low, we get concerned.  The diastolic is less important when it's on the low side.  I wouldn't be concerned if it dips into the 40's, as long as the systolic pressure is close to 100.  Some people, however, have normal BPs in the 90/50 range.

    If you have symptoms of low blood pressure, such as chest pain, breathing trouble, or lightheadedness, see a physician.  Otherwise, be glad that you're pressure isn't high!

    (If you use an automatic BP machine to take your pressure, they can be subject to artifact and give false readings, for example, if you move your arm while the cuff is up.  If you get a funky reading, wait a few minutes and try again, or use the other arm to verify the pressure)

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