
How low will Gordon Brown stoop in order to erode our liberties? Bribery of his own party members?

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A note between Geoff Hoon to Keith Vaz re the extension to 42 days that people can now be held without charge:

"Just a quick note to thank you for all your help during the period leading up to last Wednesday's vote. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated all your help. I trust that it will be appropriately rewarded."

Gordon Brown and his cronies are undermining our civil liberties and they are bribing Labour MPs to do this. I'm not in favour of the Conservatives either, but at least someone has brought to light the shameful underhand ways this current goverment is using to cling on to power.




  1. I stand (slightly) to the right of centre. However I think this sort of horse trading goes on in all western democracies and probably in the religious theocracies across the world as well as in the few remaining communist plutocracies. It always has and always will. I find that the school of hard knocks has made me a cynic and indeed, if I were an ancient Greek instead of an ancient Geordie (yes, there are right wing ones) I'd probably be mentioned in classical literature.

  2. You are going the same way as the USA, soon you will be tracked your every move and transaction. You will become no better than surfs, slaves to the system.Powerless. It is your own fault because you keep voting these people back in. You have alternatives. There are independence parties. Vote for them. BTW, since you signed up to Lisbon the principle of Innocent until proven guilty has been removed too

  3. the government can only get away with it because the modern British are a broken weak! people. if they were to rise up and fight! then things would be very different......but dont hold your breath.

  4. It just goes to show what a sneaky lot of politicians we have to represent us!How much more has the taxpayer got to take!How much more has the poor pensioner and one parent family got to endure under this incompetent corrupt Labour Government!What we are witnessing is 'Gutter Politics' at it's worst!

  5. He would stoop as low as a snake's b@lls.

  6. He will dig as far as the sewers and make sure he is mixing in it with the other residents.

  7. Just exactly what is a terrorist is he white, black, brown Christian, Muslim, Jew. Remember the old guy who was dragged out of the Labour part conference for heckling a speaker. The man was charge under the terrorism act, and him a Labour Party member for 45 yeas. Then there are the Local Authorities using the same act to check on were people live.

    One surveillance camera for every 14 people in the UK, every person is said to be seen on one of these at least  once every day. Gordon Brown and New labour have spent million on trying to frighten the people about terrorism. The police armed to the teeth at every airport. The have ordered tanks to surround to Heathrow. Such things, all theatrical effects to frighten the public. This a well known ploy used by those who want to undermine a free society. Two hundred arm police to arrest two innocent Muslims but bot before shooting one. Incompetent police shooting an innocent man 7 bullets in his head on a tube train. The UK is rapidly becoming a police state. Nineteen eighty-four is almost with us, how long before there a listening devices as well as cameras in the street. It has from time immemorial (1179) been the right of every English man to call himself whatever name he wanted as a right. When we all get identity cards and we will, you will need to buy a car, a house, open a bank account, buy a computer etc.

    Keith Vaz is the MP for Leicester 50% of the population are of Asian origin of the 25% are Muslim I suspect he will need a peerage if he wants to stay in politics.

    Gordon Brown how low can he get, well if I had to compare him in terms of temperature absolute zero and you can’t get lower than that.

  8. How low?

    Well, I think he could walk under a snake while wearing platform shoes and a top hat!

  9. The PM is having to cope with huge Party funds shortage. He  wiil  probably have to give in to the undemocratacally elected union bosses. This means, they will be controlling the country just like they did in the 70s. After all, the Labour Party first looks after  it's self first then the country. Already the "winter of discontent" has started and its only the beginning of summer!

  10. He could limbo under a carpet.

  11. don't know...but the Tories know all about shameful underhand ways...they are the masters of it!!

  12. Low ?  It's like a political limbo dancing contest !

  13. Whale t**d, you can't get any lower.

  14. There is to depth to wich that TOSSER brown will not stoop.

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