
How mad do you get when your favorite team loses?

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How mad do you get when your favorite team loses?




  1. Depends how late in the season and what the stakes are and who their playing, could range from don't really care to throwing my remote through the T.V.

  2. depends on the opponent... usually, it messes up my day. When it's the Braves / Marlins / Nationals, it can stay with me an extra day or two... if it's the Mets / Red Sox / Yankees, I'm pissed for at least a week (unless they make up for it the next night in impressive fashion.)  

    I'm still pissed over the Mets series earlier this week,

  3. Well I am never happy to see us lose, but sometimes it hurts a little bit more

    for example I am a White Sox fan, so getting sweapt by the Twins would make me VERY angry

    you gotta lose some though, so i try not to get too angry after every loss

  4. I don't.  I used to but things that I have been through in the past 7 years make me realize its only a game.  I was working a detail in New York City on 9/11/01  I worked hurricane relief in Louisiana after Hurricane Rita.   (I was employed as a law enforcement officer with Dept. of Homeland Security. I'm   retired now.) Seeing the destruction caused by these two events make everything else trivial.  I don't like to lose but I just count my blessings try to enjoy the game and if we lose there is always tomorrow................or next season.

  5. I get h**l of mad especially when they lose a rival.

  6. Not mad...just sad sometimes or a little less animated.  However, when I was a child every loss was like a new heartbreak for me.  I'd forgotten how passionate I was about baseball until my son came along and developed an obsession for the game.  It's bittersweet seeing him take it so personally when they lose and celebrating quite loudly when they win.


  7. It depends on the game, last year, when we were good, i got really upset, and it wasnt fun.  This year, since we are bad, I still get angry, but since we are in no playoff contention, it isnt as bad.  Im talking about the indians.  Plus, since i have been in cleveland almost my whole life, and watched us lose in all sports for soo long, it isnt something new, but when we are good, it is soo annoying to watch our dreams go away.  But dont get me wrong, im no fair weather fan, i follow all of the major sports here no matter how well we do, and i will be happy or sad along with them.

  8. I get mad only when the Yanks lose to the Red Sox.  Which I haven't been mad lately.  Take that Beantown.

  9. Real Mad, especially if I gamble and they lose, things just get crazy and stuff gets broken, and then I protest outside telling how much Grossman sucks (bears fans)

  10. pretty mad but it makes it worse if they lost cause of dumb mistakes that could of been prevented. or repeat mistakes if you didnt learn from the first time maybe the second time should hit a bell.

  11. It depends how they lose. If they...

    ...Have a starter throw 13 K's and give up 2 runs, and is setup for the win, but only to have the bullpen blow it...then im pissed off alot.

    ...get blown out from the start of the game, then i just dont watch game, because my favorite team is expected to lose like tht. I tend to be less pissed when this happens

    ...lose to a rival team, then i will literally punch whatever is in range.

  12. I get so pissed off when the University of North Carolina Tar Heels lose basketball games that I turn violent and uncontrollably break things.  Luckily it doesn't happen too often.

  13. I get mad when they give away the game. If they did their best and gave the other team h**l then I have no reason to be mad.

  14. I'm used to the Astros losing...

  15. I don't get really mad,because ,I 'm used my teams losing.I live in Cleveland and the Browns ,Indians ,and Cavaliers always seem to find a way the lose the big games that count the most.

  16. i dont get mad as much as i do disopointed because i look up to them. but i know a lose will make them hungryer for a win

  17. Losses happen.

    If they lose to a team in their division (especially one they're contending with), then I get pretty furious.

  18. mad and upset especially if one stupid mistakes costs us the game like this

  19. I don't get SUPER mad but last time my school lost a game I made a huge poster that says: "WTF Happened Last Night!?!?!?" and put it on my window that faces the quad.

  20. When my team (Dodgers) lose to the most hated team (Giants) I go berserk; I kick the cat, I burn my clothes, I yell at my boss, I don't eat for a week, I call on the mayor to see if he can do something about it, I SCREAM! to the top of my lungs "Why Oh Why, Oh Why!!" then when I'm all cried out, I start to feel a little better and I start to tend to my poor kitty, I buy a whole new set of clothes, I apologize to my boss and thank him for not firing me for yelling at him, I realize the mayor cannot do s**t about the Dodgers losing, finally I reason that it's just a game so suddenly I feel better and start getting ready for the next mad outburst.  Go Blue!!!

  21. it depends how they lose and who they lose too. late innings to the better say out of my way. Most of the time I am more sad than mad....unless somebody had a chance to make us win and them i am mad at them.

  22. i get a little upset but get over it i mean its one game and their are millions to deal with and sometimes they will win so i keep the faith.

  23. i don't...i just shake my head and weep softly. I'm a mariner fan and without ichiro, i wouldn't even bother to watch. oh, and felix is good, except he has to pitch a shutout for a maybe-chance to win....oh, woe is me....anybody got a hanky?

  24. depends on who they lost too. sometimes i can get pretty furious when they make a bad play, are looking like ****, or when they lost the game. i always scream at the t.v. or radio thinking they can hear me. i think we all do that. ha!


  25. Mostly I just get bummed and try to focus on the good bits if they are playing well, just not quite as good as the other team.

    I only get mad in cases like when Kip[ Wells gave up 8 runs in the first inning and only got 1 out. That is just ridiculous. I only get irrte if they are playing poorly and giving away runs with lots of errors and such.

  26. well i didnt expect anything of the giants anyway so losing is no big deal right now. the only time i get mad is when cain or lincecum has to lose because either 1) our bullpen gives it up like usual or 2) they get no run support in a well pitched game.

  27. This is my second year playing but i dont get mad. I just deal that we lost. But las year if we lost our coach would curse at us. He was sooooooooooooooooooooooo mean! I like this years coach better.

  28. it depends on the team they lost too. if they loose to a really good team then i am mad for a while if they loose to a bad team then i will be angry. i will be furious if Clemson tiger loose to gamecocks cuz i love the Clemson tigers

  29. Well, I get REALLLY mad when the colts lose to the pats, more mad than i can explain (even thought the pats cheat when we play them) and I get angry when the dbacks lose at all, but i hate it most if they lose to the redsox ( i really dont like boston) but i definitely get madder when  the colts lose.

  30. ohh when the marlins lose i get so ******* mad.... especially in this game that they scored 6 runs iin the 9th ining to tie it but they still ******* lost....i almost commit suicide... thanks god i sold my gun a day before the loss.... jk....i get sad and i have to wait for the next game and hopefully get a win

  31. depends. If it's my favorite team in the Championship game when they have a perfect record and then lose to a certain rival city, I may have gotten really mad.

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