
How made dog food ?

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How made dog food ?




  1. uhh if u mean how do I make dog food then i dont know anyway do not make homemade dog food it might nohealthys healty as natural dogfood and try not to get the pro+ stuff its bad for the dog just get some regular pure fresh dog food its only like 2-4$ depending on where you buy it

  2. You need two things, a dog and a meat grinder.

  3. r u saying that fast food tastes like dog food?

  4. A suggested formula is 75% carbohydrates to 25% meat. A simple dog food recipe is to combine and cook brown rice, ground meat, vegetables, water and a small amount of brewers yeast. Dogs can’t digest vegetables very well, so they need to go through the food processor thoroughly before adding. Amounts of water vary depending on whether you want dry or wet food. Your dog food should be served at room temperature.

        * Rice is a good carbohydrate for dogs. Brown rice is preferable as it has more nutrients.

        * Brewers yeast which can be found in some grocers and health stores.

        * Flour, such as corn flour, soy flour or whole wheat flour.

        * Codliver oil or flaxseed in small amounts adds omega 3 and helps keep their coats shiny.

        * Garlic can help get rid of tape worms and fleas as well as fight infection. (caution as large amounts can cause illness in dogs)

        * Meats suggested to use are liver, beef, tuna, lamb or chicken. It’s easier to add to food if the meat is ground.

        * Dogs also enjoy peanut butter and biscuits can be made with them by adding flour, bone meal and/or powdered milk, brewers yeast and even carrots. Peanuts are one of the few nuts that are safe for your dog. (Dog Biscuit Recipe)

        * Some vegetables are ok such as carrots, broccoli and spinach, but they need to be put through a food processor first to aid in digestion. (Broccoli is not good in large amounts.)

        * Bonemeal may need to be added to ensure they are getting calcium. Raw meaty bones are a good source of calcium. Powdered milk is also a popular ingredient in dog food.

    Some foods to avoid which may be dangerous to dogs:

        * Chocolate which can cause seizures in dogs.

        * Coffee and tea can cause similar problems as chocolate.

        * Raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure.

        * Nutmeg can also cause seizures.

        * Raw eggs could contain salmonella, so they’re not worth the risk.

        * Onions are not advised as they can interfere with blood circulation.

        * Macadamia nuts can cause dogs to have tremors and lead to paralysis.

        * Other food cautions include moldy foods, yeast dough and fruit pits. Many fruit pits contain cyanide.
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