
How mainstream is Sarah?

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We know they’re telling us her husband helps out but what about when he’s working? Does she have a maid? How about a nanny? We know our schools are in crisis, still they tell us NCLB is working. Her children go to a private Christian school. How many of us have that as a real option? She is a member of the NRA so I guess she’s for no gun control. I wonder if the mothers and grandmothers in our largest cities feel the same way. How do parents with children that have disabilities feel about the current situation as far as future housing, schooling and health care? I’ll bet not as optimistic as Sarah. How many teenage parents wish they’d have learned about getting pregnant before they did, instead of just being told not to do it? Any other things I should be questioning about how alike Sarah is to the rest of us? How down to earth is she?




  1. Far right beyond the scale ?

  2. She is rich and believes no one should have access to birth control. She believes women do not have the right to do what they want with their bodies. She thinks and believes it's ok for 17 year old high school girls to become pregnant. The Republicans say she is down to earth.

  3. Main stream is boring.

    Sarah Palin is anything but boring.

    She sets an OLD standard for self-reliance similar to that of pioneering women.

    That is why today's left wingers hate her. She won't be controlled by their dictates. Instead, she will do what she knows is right.  

  4. Nope. their real. they live like real people,a dn are more in touch with the people in life terms then i think anyone in washington right now.

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