
How make more friends on yahoo 360?

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How make more friends on yahoo 360?




  1. Just ask. You can search in 360 also by criteria.

  2. 1. Invite a lot of people, some of them will accept your invitations.

    2. Go to random blogs and comment their entry, they may like you and become your friends.

  3. Go to search on your 360

    Type in age,male,female and location

    Click on the avatar visit their page

    If you want them as a friend click on the Plus under their avatar

    This will submit the invitation

    Or go to a person's page and start page hopping from their friends to their friends and so on. See ones you like then click the Plus and submit the inviation.

    l like the page hop way myself

  4. u can invite friends by email add manually.

    type ur friend's email address into the "To:" field.

    u can invite more than one friend -- just separate the email addresses with commas.

    u can either compose ur own invitation message,

    enter the word verification,

    click "Send Invitation."

    Goodluck ^_^

  5. A lot of people have a link to their 360 page on their profile. Just click on their avatar (the pic on the left of the answer) and see if they have a link that says "my yahoo 360 page" then click on THAT link and when you are on their 360 page, click "ADD."

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