
How man driving accidents have you had?

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Has anyone out there got a truly awful driving record?




  1. ive had a few minor one's but i have been driving over 30 years and i only hit one pedestrian over and that  was 30 years ago and he was drunk n did get up and stagger off.

       ohhhhhhhhh i did have one when a van indicated turning left into the road i was coming out of and changed his mind and hit me as i had pulled out.

        but the one's you walk away from you dont worry about and ive been lucky not to have a serious accident.

  2. Sorry, but i have just the opposite not truly awful but awfully great.ZERO,over 2 million accident free miles. i drive a semi for a living,and never had an accident,and have my drivers license since 1977.i look at it this way i didn't Wake up today to hurt me or somebody else when I'm driving will avoid an accident at all cost do what i can not to have an defensively..

  3. I had 2 accidents when I was a new driver. Someone rearended me and then I rearended someone. No one got hurt. It was just minor. Since then I've had 2 minor accidents but both of those were not my fault and were many years ago.

    I'm a very cautious and conscientious driver. I don't want to hurt anyone. Life is precious. I'm never in that much of a hurry. What's the point. If you get into an accident then you'll be even later. Learn and do something different the next time.

    edit: I've been driving for 17 years. I have a perfect driving record with my insurance company. The truck that I rearended happened because I thought he had gone and he hadn't. I was tired. I have learned to not take my eyes off anyone until they have actually gone. I don't take it for granted.  The truck moved and I thought he continued on but he didn't. Lesson learned even years later. I was really afraid. I had my mom's car.

  4. 2 been driving 2yrs and neither were my fault

  5. Hi none and been driving 45 years now .

  6. I've only had one, about 30 years ago, but it was pretty spectacular.

    Coming home from work one very stormy night - long line of cars - when a tree fell across the road hitting a car a couple in front of me.  About 6 of us were involved in a multiple, one behind the other.  I was about 6" shorter back and front!!

    My husband had always moaned at me for driving a Ford Capri, saying I should have something smaller, so I went in and said "I've taken your advice - I've got something smaller"!

  7. I've been driving for about 2 and a half years and have written off two cars. One in January last year and one in January this year. Both accidents were my fault. No driving in January for me next year!

  8. I have beed driving for 60 years and have had zero accidents and no tickets even parking tickets and I am d**n proud of it. Just pay attention to what you are doing.

  9. i've had a pretty decent record. when i was a little younger i had some trouble but overall nothing bad. from age 16 to 18 i was pulled over 7 times with only 2 tickets issued. had to do some community service and probation for the 2nd one but nothing major. only one accident. hydroplaned my truck into some trees at age 17. i'm only 20 now so i still have an opportunity for error.

  10. First year of driving, I thought I hit the gas station's one refilling tank, fortunately, I collided with the concrete base first. I left some big cracks there.

    Second year, I didnt notice car approaching in an intersection, I turned left without looking and he hit me on the sides. We paid for our own damages though, but I had the bigger damage.

    Third year, I lost maneuver of the car, driving at a speed of 100 miles/hr on a wet road. It was awful, I hit the side of a big trailer and almost got myself killed. Luckily, the truck driver stopped immediately before I was eaten by his big truck.

  11. I have been driving for 12 years and had an accident last year. I was cut up by a van and because I didnt stop in time, I got the blame. I wrote my car off!

  12. Have only ever had 2 very small dingles, one when I forgot to watch out for the clothes line, yes it was the same day I got my licence (scary lol) and the other when I new I couldnt stop so went onto the gravel part of the road, but came back onto the road a little too soon and gave someone a small dingle, didnt even make a dint in my car, cause it had a thick rubber strip on the bumper, so only had to pay for his car, not much though, havent had any since, been driving for nearly 30 years now and havent had one since, theres a joke about this, it goes, I was driving for 30 years before I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident lol, maybe you should go to a driver training centre to learn how to control your car better, it doesnt affect your licence but it gives you a better feel in you own car which is really a great thing, goodluck and hope you dont have anymore prangs!

  13. i have been in 3 accidents and none my fault and was very lucky in 2 i wassn't a goner , one my partner was driving he stopped my head going through the window eventhough i had a seat belt on and the last a jeep slammed the side of my car at a cross roads lucky i was going slow so car didn't roll down a hill it slammed into a low wall instead . his fault and he payed up he just kept going at a 4 cross road scary

    and my last was last year in my new car a local fella nearly ran me off the road !!

    so i think i have the unlucky 3 thing out of the way now at least !

    but just shows you some people are asleep when driving

    2 of them just never seen me at all .

    Makes driving through crosses scary now !!!!  (:

    what is your drivig record like ??????????

  14. Funnily enough (not) some van driving moron rear ended and wrote off my car on Wednesday evening. I was rear ended once before at a mini roundabout when the driver behind 'assumed' I'd moved off. I've never been responsible for causing an accident though.

  15. i've had three accidents, none of which were my fault.  the first one, a deer jumped into the side of my car.  The second one, i got rearended while waiting at a red light.  the last one happened last month, some lady didn't look before backing out of her parking space and backed into me, and then left the scene.  she got charged with hit and run.

    my brother's ex girlfriend has the worst luck with cars.  she's had 3 accidents.  the first, she hit a deer going so fast that it got caught on her hood, bent the hood back, bounced to the top of her car, then to the trunk.  totalled it.  then she ran a red light and t-boned someone.  then she didn't feel like stopping at a red light and ran into a car, pushing it into the car infront of it, and pushed that one into the car in the front of the line.... she was going pretty fast.  then, her car broke down, and the shop burned down with her car in it.  yeah i'm glad i'm not her.

  16. just the one, i was on a 30 road going around 27 and i hear sirens so i look around then suddenly a car comes zooming around the corner and flies into mine head on, i only had a bit of a neck pain and some how broke my rist! turned out the police where chasing him, my car was quite damamged so i was s******g but it all got sorted out

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