
How many 'Muslims' disagree?

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''There is no liberalism in religion, you either submit to Gods will or ridicule yourself by saying i believe in God and act with ignorance.''

(Inspired by Xtreme L)




  1. Agreed.

  2. Agreed 100.01% !

  3. not me , i dont disagree with that

  4. Islaam is the Sharee'ah. Moderate is what is in accordance with the Sharee'ah. Anything that falls below is lax and anything that goes beyond is extreme.

  5. People are always going to be doing what they want no matter how much you try to interveen.

    Even if you brought them the entire of heaven and all the prophets before them they still will never believe.

    You did read your Quran, it says that clearly in there.  Many will not even pay attention.

  6. [2:130] Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.

    [2:131] When his Lord said to him, "Submit," he said, "I submit to the Lord of the universe."

  7. That's an excellent statement, I totally agree.

  8. allhamdulilah brother, i agree :)

    an  beautiful statement made, we must all submit ourselves 100% to Allah swt and stop being hypocrites reading the shahadah whilst drinking and doing those acts which the magnificent creater Allah dislikes.

  9. YES, YES! OMG, I So agree! I actually got in a huge fight about this with my husband this weekend. He wanted me to wear a shirt that showed my bra, in public and I asked him if he was serious! And he said "I think it's be artistic" and I said "How about if you act MUSLIM." and he said "I'm a Muslim, not an extremist." But I personally think that if you are going to call yourself a Muslim, BE a Muslim. or at least TRY. He is absolutely ridiculing himself by calling himself a Muslim and telling his wife to make her bra visible in public.

    As you can see, it's sensitive, and I agree with this statement whoelheartedly. I wish my husband would either act liek a Muslim or stop calling himself one. :( :( :(

  10. I agree, that's soo true

  11. i agree =)

  12. Yes i agree, so many two faced people .

  13. Good bro.. Amazing.. Nice name btw.. Nattive deen are amazing.: - )

  14. I agree.

  15. :)

  16. i agree

    ahamdi muslim

  17. i agreeeeeeee 101%

  18. I agree also

  19. I agree, there is only one Islam. The division comes from the fact that there are some Muslims who would like to impose their wills onto others by force. Those are what we usually call "extremists." The "moderate" Muslims are usually the ones who say that there is no compulsion of religion, so they live and let live. This is consistent with the spirit of Islam.

  20. 1

  21. I only object to the word " no liberalism" it makes you feel that you have no other choice but to submit when the truth is that you have the liberty to submit or not and Muslims choose to submit and this is liberty.

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