
How many 'paranormal' experiences are due to a person having something physically wrong with them?

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Leaving aside actual mental conditions such as schizophrenia, are there physical conditions which could cause a person to perceive something that is not there?

Floaters in eyes make people think they are catching a glimpse of something for example.

Are there conditions which also effect the other senses?




  1. Just listen to  people and it does not take long to figure out that amny people are way too quick to call something medical paranormal.

  2. If you are a MD you'll see all of it as a chemical problem. If you are a preacher, you'll see it as a spiritual problem. If you are a shrink (note added disdain) all problems are psychological problems.

    As a psychic I believe that only 25% of the paranormal experiences are brought on by anything other than the paranormal. Therefore 75% of all paranormal experiences are what they are.

    Yes floaters are big problem, people jump because they see something move. They think they are being watched.

    My disclaimer would be that my answers above apply only to those that have exited puberty or around 19-23 years of age.

    Unfortunately, drugs given to 'control' children are having harmful effects on their psyches, some children are having a great deal of trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality. I'm not talking about real or imagined playmates, I'm talking about cartoon characters taking on anthropomorphic attributes. There is no reason an 8 year old should ask where the Teletubbies live, or be concerned if one of the cartoon character is harmed or injured.

  3. You've got it!  We are made up of solid material called "Cells"  everything we do is governed by solid objects..even insanity.  Reality is subjective.  Our Immune System is where we go in dreams, and it directly effects our waking life.  The Paranormal is our Immune System communicating to us here in waking life.

  4. Most have natural explainations..I would guess of the 100% of the cases that I have actually worked, that around 75% are natural in cause.  But they are none the less scary.  Another 15% could be due to medical conditions.  The reason for the word could is because I am not a medical professional, therefore I would not dream to diagnose a medical problem.  But the signs and symptoms are there, so I will recommend that a client seek medical treatment if I feel that it is indicated.

    However, there is that 10% that cannot be explained by any other means.  And that makes them paranormal in nature.

  5. There are some good examples listed here, but I think the primary condition that would most likely lead to an experience a viewer would see as paranormal is fatigue.  I would guess that a combination of sleepiness, common sensory misperception and a pre-existing belief in the paranormal is the perfect storm for an apparent paranormal event.

  6. Most so-called paranormal experiences are perfectly natural and result even though the person has nothing whatsoever physically wrong with them.  However, there are some physical conditions that cause abnormal perceptions.

    Prolonged lack of sleep can cause auditory hallucinations.

    Hypnagogic experiences during sleep sometimes lead people to report seeing aliens or demons.

    Brain lesions or tumors can cause all kinds of hallucinations and delusions.

    Intoxication on, and withdrawal from, psychoactive drugs can cause abnormal perceptions.  Some regular over-the-counter medications can, as well.

    Amputees often report actually feeling the extremeties of a limb that has been amputated.

    Some types of cranial nerve damage can cause taste (gustatory) hallucinations, as can some blood pressure medicines or a deficiency of certain vitamins.

    The human brain is quite susceptible to misperceptions in all of the senses.

  7. That does happen, but that does not mean that the paranormal experience is not legitimate.

    The prophet Zoroaster, for example, had his vision when he was wounded in battle.

    And remember that Jesus went to pray for 40 days and 40 nights without food.

    Fasting has been a part of many religious traditions.

  8. In dim light your eyes play many tricks on you.

  9. I am not totally sure, for I would like to believe that many of my experiences have come from a sound mind and body, but I have noticed at times, for example, if I am just overly exhausted I am more apt to see shadows move quickly out of the corner of my eye or on the street as I drive.  Yet, could the exhaustion make me less inhibited and more open to seeing things that might really be there?  I don't know.  In cases like this, I just chalk it up to being overly tired until proven otherwise.  I am sure there are physical conditions that can make one see things that aren't there -- maybe during or after a severe panic attack, or diseases like MS (my mother suffers from this and has seen unusual things here and there) or something, but then again, these things just may open us up more to these paranormal possibilities . . .

  10. Thats why you should have witnesses. If anything, to make sure its not some mental disorder, physical disorder, etc.. I've had at least one to two plus witnesses to each paranormal experience I've had.

    The only paranormal experiences I didn't have a witness for was my first and second UFO sightings, which my first UFO I ever saw was backed up by my brother seeing the exact same thing around the same time of year one year later heading in the same direction meaning there is consistancy . My second UFO I saw was a couple months ago, which I didn't have a witness for, but I can utilize past experiences to back it up. Were the UFOs I saw human made? Most likely not unless our government has secret technology to traverse the galaxy.

    Every single paranormal experience I've had all have an interrelation on how they feel mentally. It feels like an emotional tug on the mind, like a subliminal itch. I think this subliminal itch is what people need to get a feel for when making predictions etc..

  11. There are lots of things.  I recently built a device called the brain machine from instructions in a magazine.  It works by syncing your brain with a signal to your eyes and ears in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma  and  Delta brain waves frequencies.  It  makes people see all kind of things.  There is also a device that works on electro magnets wrapped around your head, it causes people to see ghost, dead relatives, hallucination's, feelings of anger, paranoia, floating and so on.  There are also many little understood brain functions that can cause things to happen.  If your brain tries to do something like go to sleep while your still awake,  wake up while your still asleep that can cause problems too. Even people with recurring headaches often report odd things sometimes before the pain hits them.  Also you do not see with your eyes, your site comes from an image interpretation center, everything thing that goes in your eyes must pass through this image possessor first, them to your brain.  You can see that this can cause lots of problems too.  Go to this site to see just how easy it is to s***w up vision interpretation center ---

  12. Alot. Good to tell if the person has past mental problems recorded.

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