
How many 600 mg ibuprofens can your body take before?

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you die. not planning on doing anything dont worry. just curiosity




  1. It depends on your underlying health, particularly renal status.  If you have any degree of renal impairment, a relatively small dose of ibuprofen may lead to renal failure and without hemodialysis, death.

  2. curious question... but here are some things i found while browsing:

    Ibuprofen takes away any pain, cramps etc and one sleep better. Therefore it’s used big time. And ever since it’s become available over-the-counter, Ibuprofen Overdose has become a common phenomenon. If you or anyone you know have taken Ibuprofen overdose and everything feels fit and okay, you still need to go and see a doctor. The symptoms may not show right now but the overdose may show signs in the long run.

    Consequences of Ibuprofen overdose: According to research institutes, Ibuprofen overdose damages your internal organs like liver. While in some cases it has been reported that it has result in a permanent liver damage, in other cases where the victim was taking the dose for a long and continued period it has resulted in organ failure one by one.

    Some more side effects are unsteadiness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, gastrointestinal, nausea plus vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, probable loss of blood in intestinal areas or stomach or both, headache, agitation, drowsiness, incoherence and confusion etc. Sometimes more serious symptoms are also noticed in some victims though very rare such as seizure, gastrointestinal bleeding, metabolic acidosis, respiratory depression, hyperkalaemia, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, coma, hepatic dysfunction, renal failure, cyanosis, and cardiac arrest etc. Until and unless the victim is allergic to ibuprofen, there is a slim chance that the victim would die from Ibuprofen Overdose.

    Ibuprofen Overdose can cause stinking vomiting, profuse sweating, severe abdominal pain, and can land you straight in the mental hospital for attempted suicide, where you may be medicated with things like liquid carbon or charcoal. Charcoal has the ability to absorb the drug before it can enter the systemic circulation. Another form of treatment to fight Ibuprofen overdose is gastric lavage which is not very popular, but is considered if the intake is potentially life threatening. This treatment can be performed within 60 minutes of ingestion of Ibuprofen.

    Below 100 mg/kg toxic effects of Ibuprofen are less likely. But doses above 400 mg/kg are considered an overdose and can result into any of the above consequences. It is not possible to determine a precise dose that crosses the danger line as it varies from person to person depending upon his/her weight, age and medical record of the individual patient.

    a nearly week-long hospital stay, blood gas tests, perfusion IV, etc.  Ummm… It’s not easy to kill yourself on ibuprofen (for any

    of you who think it would be), and actually has to be a long, painful death. You kill your kidneys, and then die after they shut down. I got tired of waiting (didn’t realize it could still

    happen), and finally called the poison control center, drove myself to the ER (hoping to pass out and run into something and die on the way), and lived to tell the tale.

    in other words:

    it's easy to overdose

    it depends on the person who takes it

    follow your dr's orders as to dosage or the directions in the bottle

    don't take more than you need

    hope this satisfies your curiosity.

  3. There is no such thing as an overdose on ibuprofen.  3.2 grams is max dose (600 mg X 8 pills).  After this in a day you are just straining your kidneys to filter the drug.  Has nothing to do with sleep.  It is not a pain medication.  It is an anti-inflammatory drug.  Crouching is right the only way to die is chronic (long term, months, years) of abuse without reward, or pre-existing kidney damage, and this might put it over the top.

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