
How many AP classes should i take..?

by Guest34104  |  earlier

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So i don't have to take many general electives in college? cause i want to jump right into getting my Major done as soon as possible. And i'm currently taking AP US History right now, and i'll be in 11th grade next year.




  1. I would never take more than 2 at one time.  Yes, it seems like a good idea to get through as many as possible but why burn yourself out in high school when you have so many other pressures.

    Also, do not rush getting through college.  Truly will be one of the best periods of your life.

  2. i would say take 2 or 3 junior year and then load up on senior year (up to 4 or 5)... you kinda wanna take it easy on the APs junior year, they could either make or break you.. u still have SATs and ACTs to worry about, let alone all those APs

    ive been in honors my whole life and this year, senior year, im taking 4 APs

  3. *take as many as u can handle junior year and then only take a few senior year....

    *the more AP u take in high school, the less u have to take in college

  4. The more AP exams you pass, the less general education/required class you have to take as a Freshman and Sophomore.

  5. Junior year will be a tough year for you. If you're considering a very competitive university take 3 or maybe if you feel ready 4. Don't take any more than 4, trust me I took 4 and it was very hard. If you want to get out of general electives you should probably take AP English and Composition and an AP Science.

    Hope that helps.

  6. take as many as you can cause those look excellent on college aps.

  7. Take 2 @ the most. It's gonna be very overwhelming. But if you can handle AP History, you can handle AP Biology, AP Calculus, & others.

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