
How many Acid hits for a first timer?

by  |  earlier

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They're like $10 a hit so I'm assuming they are good hits, I'm thinking of getting 2 hits but don't want to overdue it. How many hits did you do the first time?

Thanks and stay on topic.




  1. Just to be on the safe side, and at least get a feel for it, I'd say only one.

    Have fun!

  2. mike- you got b|tched.

    dickmouse- you didnt answer the question. leave, top contributor means you dont have a life.  go climb a tree

    one of the problems you're facing right now is how much acid you're getting.  60- 100 micrograms is the ideal range you want to hit for a first timer.  100-250 is a little heavier, and 250 and up is heavy.  the problem with tabs is theres no way to find out how much acid you're getting, except by word of mouth.  price is no source of quality, he could just be ripping you off.  ask your dealer where he got it, and try to go all the way to the source, if possible.  but thats idealistic.  

    you're probably safe starting off with one.  tabs generally dont carry less than 60 micrograms, and 60 would be ok for a first timer.  dont shoot too high your first time man, its potent stuff and your tolerance completely disappears after a week.  and low doses have a very small margin of error, ie its highly unlikely you'll have a bad trip off of 60 micrograms.  

  3. ḋont do drugs.

  4. I would say 2. To be safe, one too little that you dont get anything, 3 too much you OD. So to be safe (even though its not a really safe thing to do) i would go with 2 hits. And stay around people you know, that will watch out for you, and dont let yourself look in a mirror, i've heard thats a bad idea.

  5. Preferably 10 of them at once. So we will have a clean site for the time you'll be in hospital. This isn't any narcobazar but Alt/Med.

    Acid is Chemo. So go to the chemistry site and stop polluting as with your rubbish. You sound kind like a pusher you know.  

  6. Try 2. That's what I take!

  7. No one answers these questions, and you're right, they're breaking community guidelines.

    Anyway- I suggest you take 1.5 hits.  The price isn't very telling about the quality, you have to factor in source availablity etc.

    I took a little over 1.5 hits my first (and so far only) time, and it was plenty for me.  I'm small, though, but it's good to start with a lower dosage with drugs you don't know about.  Cost the same as yours too.


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