
How many Adelaide Crows players should retire at the end of this year?

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I would put these guys on the short list:

Simon Goodwin

Ken McGregor

Ian Perrie

Tyson Edwards

Brett Burton

Graham Johncock

& I would definitely drop the most useless ruckman we've ever seen:

Ben Hudson!!




  1. I don't necessarily like Adelaide, but other than Mark Ricciuto retiring, what are you smoking? Do you want to withdraw or revise this question? I do think Adelaide will beat Hawthorn by at least 5 goals.

  2. How STUPID are you? Simon Goodwin is only 31 as is tyson edwards, Brett burton is 27, Ken McGregor is 25, johncock is 24 and your're a stupid ***** with no knowledge of the game.

    Beh Hudson is leading the AFL in hard ball gets for ruckmen!!!! Grow the h**l up and stay the h**l away from here!!! Useless piece of c**p. You reckon you are a crows supporter? Then start acting like one. Only one retirement, ROO! The rest have at least 2 seasons left in them but then again you probably dont have a clue!

    I agree with nminto - shes a **** stirrer

  3. I think your a little harsh on Ben Hudson, he is still not quite 100% from his knee surgery, plus I think he has done a great job this season... considering.

    I would only agree with 1 player on your short list, that is Ian Perrie. He is finished or he is maybe worth a trade or 2.

    As for your rest of the list, these players are still valuable to Adelaide, and still offer opportunities to succeed.

    P.S lets hope Adelaide can kick *** on the weekend, Lookout The Crows are coming.

  4. What drugs are you on??? seriously!!!  all of these players are d**n good, Hudson is the best at what he does!!!!!

  5. Bit like your Muslim question the other day, plain stoopid.

    As much as I hate living in this provincial and parochial town, one thing they do well here is footy. Why would you make a list like the one above, for such a talented team?... Drop Ben Hudson... Sheesh! What IS it with you?

    Maybe this is like your other question the other day before you changed your avatar... just fishing for responses?

  6. ??

  7. I think Mark Riccuto should retire. He is getting old and he hasn't been playing much this year.

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