
How many American's like chinese food?

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How many American's like chinese food?




  1. all my famly loves it!!!! really good ****

  2. Judging by the number of Chinese restaurants and take out joints, a whole lot of Americans love Chinese food.

  3. Me>>>>>>>>

  4. I LOVE IT! the orange chicken is great

  5. I don't like the food from fast food Chinese. That just isn't Chinese enough!!!

    -I went to a Chinese New Year Celebration on-campus, and they had authentic cuisine cooked by the people themselves, not something from China Buffet. They had all kinds of things, from seaweed-wrapped rice, to dumplings filled with sweet paste, it was AWESOME!!!!! It was like China came to me. Haha, I loved it.

  6. i'm british but i like it .. indians better though...

  7. Yum yum!

  8. Lots

  9. I love it.  Sweet and Sour chicken with fried rice is my favorite.

  10. The real question is how many Americans have had traditional Chinese food.  Most of Americas Chinese menus are a derivitive of American fan fare created back in the for the most part "The Goldrush days".  Many of the well known dishes are called American Chinese dishes and had never originated from China including the fortune cookie which never was senn in China until the early 1980's but the idea was taken from a Chinese tradition of baking an event such as a birthday message in a cake.

    But yes I love Traditional and American Chinese foods

  11. I think it's great, but I am just one of those people who's a fan of Asian food.

    I've witnessed the two sides.

    "American Chinese"



    American Chinese is like those places with the crappy neon lights outside and the picture-menu on the wall above the counter.

    Real chinese is a sitdown restaurant.  I think they are both great!

  12. Yum!

  13. Yay MSG!

  14. OMG i love chinese favorites are sweet and sour chicken, crab delight, i somtimes think chinese is better than regular food!!!!!

    <3 audry

  15. "Chinese Food" is popular in America, so the simple answer is probably - lots.

    I think the reality is that most Americans don't know what real Chinese food is. I have been taken to real Chinese restaurants by Chinese business associates, and the food there is nothing like the food at PF Changs or the like...

  16. I love it and eat it often.

  17. Yummy!  I love it all, especially the egg rolls ;)

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