
How many American-Africans here believe that the Gov. is racist and opressive to you?

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I want to understand why Michelle Obama thinks we are a mean country. Was it racially charged, or was it economically charged?




  1. Not many.  I certainly don't think the US government is out to get me...

    I doubt Michelle Obama has ever suggested such a thing.

  2. There is an awful lot of reverse discrimination these days. Do you think any Caucasian could get away with a threat to cut off Obama's nuts. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get away with anything because they are African Americans and are known.

    Look at Imus. Loot at Jena Six. Look At O.J. Simpson.  Look at what kind of people get charged with hate crimes (always white males).

    I rest my case.

  3. before this election I will say 30%

    but when Obama show up I will say 80%

    maybe more!!!

  4. I doubt you will find very many people who think the entire government is "racist and oppresive" to them personally.  Michelle Obama certainly never said such a thing. This sort of melodramatic, over reaching question yields nothing useful.

  5. this needs further clarification in order to be answered properly.the government itself ,no.many of the policies,absolutely.

        if i apply for a government position and have the greatest credentials,the most applicable experience.i will still be considered by many of my colleges to have been an affirmative action effectiveness will be decreased because those i deal with will not know i achieved the position on merit.this is most certainly oppressive.

         next let us tackle the conundrum of planned parenthood.they locate in the inner city,in predominantly black communities.they receive a full third of their funding from the government>  . they also except donations dedicated to black American abortions.this amounts to my being forced to fund[through my taxes] the genocide of my own people.

         welfare......a program of good intentions.but one which has fostered single family homes in our community.40+ years of rewarding single mothers with more money for each child encouraged black mothers to not marry.keep your man but only as a baby daddy or your benefits get cut.this of course fostered an attitude in black men of well she ain't my wife so it ain't really cheating to do the hoochie next door.and black families suffered.

        i could go on all day with examples.almost exclusively liberal policies of good intention.but reality is this.We value what we work for.that which is given us has a lessened value.we are poorer as a people for the government intervention.we are now at a point in our history where our people have been taught that they have a "right" to government subsistence.yet no such right exists.

  6. I don't know but I have to say that is an AWESOME Avatar!!!!

  7. 50%

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