
How many American Soldiers back at Valley Forge told General Washington, I got Asthma and need to go home ???

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Since Biden is so meritoriously American and Asthma is common in a time of War. Do ya think he should stay away from Iraq.




  1. None, because all those men wanted to be there.

    Biden may actually have had Asthma, or he may have disapproved of the war. Whatever the case, the Government shouldn't have the power to make you fight for something you don't want to.

  2. Sounds like propaganda not a question? We should stayed out of the Middle East. Colonialism is dead and we are recreating another Viet Nam where we couldn't win either. We will leave there too when the Iraqis say they had enough of us.

  3. Natural selection killed people with Asthma back then.  

  4. Biden was in University at the time. DUH.

  5. Probably none.

    Probably not too many that had 5 separate deferments either.

    Since Cheney is so meritoriously American and drunken cowardice is common in a time of War.

  6. I don't think any did.  But, I can't rule out Biden's great great great great great grandfather.

  7. none?

  8. None, but little Johnny is still stuck on mommy's boob today. And we have no draft so our college boys are walking around with "peace signs" instead of manning up.....  

  9. None.  We didn't have today's liberals back then.

  10. No

  11. Its like that Greeks in that movie "300".  Remember when he told the soldier to go home and he responded "But, King, its just an eye".

    Ya, that's what I am talking about.

    How much has Code Pink helped the war effort lately?

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