
How many American citizens are aware of NSPD51 /HSPD20 ?

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it effectively gives the president dictatorial powers in cases of "national" emergency....I believe it was signed on 4th May ,I also believe many many people may not even be aware of this.......what are your thoughts?

"if this was a dictatorship,it would be a heck of a lot easier........just so long as I'm the dictator" (laughs) G W Bush.




  1. The ability of the president to assume dictator-like powers in this country during national emergencies has existed for a long time.

    Think about it, it makes sense.  If Washington DC was bombed and burning to the ground, would you rather they relocate the house and congress and debate on what to do next?  Or that the president just act?  As soon as the crisis is over, the government is required to return to its former state.

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