
How many American kids worked this summer or were turned down for work because of illegal aliens?

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Have any of you been an exchange student in past? How do you rate the country? Friendly, not educationally equal or more advanced? Would you emigrate in pursuit of better advancement with your degree? What job did you do over the summer?




  1. The number of American high school and college kids taking summer jobs was at its lowest point since statistics started being kept in the early 1960's.  It's a fact that many of the traditional jobs they used to work are now done by illegal aliens... ie landscaping and construction.

  2. None. Roflmao.. teenagers wanting to work in fast food turned down? roflmao.. the chicken joint down the street from me has had the Help Wanted sign PAINTED on the window for two years, same as the well known hamburger drive-thru. Where are all of those teenagers looking for work? Why work anyway, mom and dad provide them with computers, cell phones, mp 3 players and some even cars.. teenagers and working is an oxymoron.

  3. Secure our borders and enforce the laws.  Send all illegals home and fine/lock up all those who support illegals with American jobs.  Viva America first.

  4. Not any kids I know.. if there are many kids that were turned down for jobs I hope it gives them the drive to higher their education so it won't happen in the future.

  5. Illegal aliens are taking the college money from the pockets of hard working students. They are also importing their Third World values and work ethics. With the full protection of the lawyer, of the judge, and of the Democrat Party they commit crimes with immunity. They know nothing can happen to them. Violent illegal aliens should be summarily put to death.

    Illegal aliens have taken over the politics of all towns where illegal aliens have become numerous. Once they start to fund the politicians of the town, even the white ones, the town is run by them.

    Law abiding people should shun employers who employ them. I am willing to pay an extra dollar for a Big Mac to preserve our civilization from these ultra-violent illegal aliens. Politicians in their pockets should just be driven out of town without pity. Police who protect these illegal aliens should be referred for investigation to the FBI.

  6. Impossible to know  

  7. Yes, I do know of a few teens who couldn't find work due to illegals holding those positions.

    As for me, I'm well beyond my teenage years but I was a part time house keeper this summer.

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