
How many Americans using their mind to judge others not follow the media verdict ?

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How many Americans using their mind to judge others not follow the media verdict ?




  1. At a rough guess? Three, maybe four...

  2. not enough.


  3. Too Few, they just rattle on and on about what they have been told or seen on television . Less than that Ever take time to research for themselves..It is a sad, sorry state of affairs!

  4. Judge not, and you shall not be judged.

  5. I think about 50% are thinking for themselves. As a Republilcan, I can't watch CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, or CNN because of the left wing liberal Democrat bias. I had to cancel my subscription to Time and Newsweek for the same reason. I think for myself and don't let them influence me. I think most Republicans are in the same mindset as I am, too.

  6. I cannot say for sure about how others feel but I prefer not to rely on the media for much of anything the media is simply the worlds easiest way to be a conformist and I don't like the idea that all these people are listening to this one source of information to get their opinions of something that they probably know nothing about and couldn't understand if they tried and also I don't much appreciate you trash talking americans I for one am american and most likely have more of a brain than you treehugger.

  7. I dont watch much news since the Clinton News Network started dominating the "news" in the 90's..they DO say that the only unbiased news out there is in the Christian Science Monitor..they win all kinds of unbiased reporting awards every year

  8. I try to use my mind.

  9. Not nearly enough. The media is a mere cornucopia of lies, manipulative communists and liberals, who get by with telling the viewers the aboves point of view

    Kudos to Robert J

  10. Knowing their problems.

    Why not communicate like little children for better understanding.

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

    Merry X'mas !

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