
How many Americans vote based on "speech making" ability and celebrity appeal? ?

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to me, obamma seems more like a miss america contestant, but instead of modeling swim suits and evening gowns, he recites speeches, and that what he says is not nearly as important as how he says them and how he looks saying them. I don't know, it could just be me




  1. The vast majority of Americans are sheep who are happy to put up with almost anything as long as they're able to keep contentedly grazing on their patch of grass.  Most Americans are intellectually shallow people who get their news from "The Daily Show" instead of "CNN."  Sure they'll vote for Obama--he's flashy, sounds pretty, and doesn't require them to think too much.  Like the sheep they are, they'll be saying "Oba-a-a-a-a-ama" all the way to the polls.

    I don't much like McCain either.  Perhaps I'll just write in s****.-Doo.

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