
How many Anglo-Mulatto's like Obama call themselves African-Americans ?

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When a person is half black and half other colors, We call them Mulattoes, either they speak English, Spanish or French.

Obama is a Mulatto!




  1. I would guess most if not all of them.  You might as well ask how many Americans call an eggplant an aubergine, or why don't Europeans have more accidents since they all drive on the wrong side of the road? by the way I'm an Aussie.

  2. If someone is born in the US wouldn't they be Americans of  African, Mexican, etc... decent.  I don't call myself Dutch, German, Russian American. I am American of a certain decent.

  3. The USA government manipulates classifications,

    Before the Civil Rights movement of the 60s everything was Black and white

    Indians, Jews, Mexicans, or Arabs, were invisible for the government

  4. undereducated Americans who believe colors are races.

  5. I am so sick of people telling others what they are. The man says he is African American, his phenotype looks African, therefore he is black. get the **** over it.

  6. Because when he goes to check the box for what race he is they don't have one that says "Caucasian and African-American".  Same reason I check the box that says "Hispanic and not White", because there isn't one that identifies those of us who are considered bi or multiracial.  

    This kind of thinking goes back to the time when anyone who had even 1/8 of "colored" blood was considered whatever that race was.  Until our society comes up with a way to accurately identify people who are more than one race, then those of who are will continue to have problems accurately identifying ourselves to others.

  7. Lots of them.  They get privileges that way.

  8. Well i consider my self Afro-Mexica, why cuz i  have african and indian blood in me but many people were i am from consider themselfs ,mulatos or ******...

  9. That is an old term dating back to pre emancipation days. Obama is bi-racial!  I say both races can be proud of contributing to the production of someone of his ability. His mother & grandparents did a great job of raising him.

  10. He's African American if he says he is. I think he would know...anyway his father is really african so yes that would make him african american.

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