
How many Asian Americans would vote for McCain?

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Considering that McCain said that he "hates Gooks and always will," will any Asian Americans vote for him?




  1. Asians tend to be intelligent and well educated.  Thus, they will understand his words in context and know that he was discussing the people who tortured him.

    Thank you for demonstrating why I regard Obaba voters as idiots.

  2. First of all Gooks is s specific term for people who were fighting American troops in South East Asia. It does not apply to Asian Americans except by racist little prigs like you. As for the Asian American community voting for McCain they would because most of them fall in the tax bracket that Obama wants to tax into the street to fight "World Poverty" By sending those peoples wealth to Africa.

  3. According to polls a majority support Obama due to the above reason, and because McCain also has a negative stand on immigration reform

  4. though I understand McCains anger {I dont approve,I just understand},I would be interested to know the genuine answer to your question.

  5. I'm sure quite many will.  Let's get real,Japanese Americans were treated like garbage by FDR and some still voted Dem.

  6. Yep since they're smarter than the average american and can put that statement in the proper context.  My wife is Japanese-American and her side family are highly educated and voting conservative.

    How many Caucasians will actually vote for Obama after the "typical white person" comments?

  7. When Senator McCain said that he was referring to his captors and not the whole Asian people.

    Those who fled Vietnam support him and agreed that his statement about his captors was correct.

  8. If there's any SMART Asian Americans out there, and I know there is, they'll understand McCain was calling his communistic captors gooks, and not them.  

  9. I imagine most of'em will. He probably hates Charles Manson too but that don't bother me, I'm still voting for McCain.

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