
How many BF or GF you have before?

by  |  earlier

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don't shy,i won't tell anyone!




  1. I've had 3 girlfriends in my whole life but only one serious girl that broke up with me in 06 but she kinda wants me back but she made the mistake of getting married. Why I say that is cause she married him for th wrong reason plus he's over 20 years older then her.  

  2. 19

    (I'm just being modest)

  3. hmm ...for 3 month and above maybe around 7 person

  4. three.

  5. None, she became my wife then she became my EX wife.

    Now i got none........ Please love meeeee!!! someone please.....!!!

  6. ...okay god...firstly i tell u my age...u sure know how to rasuah me ek...hehhehe...i am 45....married and tis year my 20th anniversary.... u nakk tau my gfs b4 or after married....wawwaawwawawa....

    ,,,b4....cinta monget = 3

    ..........cinta buaya = 2

    ..........cinta merpati dua sejoli = 1

    ......... cinta pas kahwin....jeng...jeng...jeng......rahsia...

  7. One!

  8. Are flings included too?  

    Think I've got more number of flings than relationships...  It all started from kindergarten when I was only 4 or 5 years old...



  9. 0!!! don't plan on having any in the near future...(i'm 13)

  10. the 4th. hope this the last. i'm tired to start a new romance.

  11. Just one..

  12. I've had 2 serious before and fling/without commitment........sigh countless.........

  13. Now i have the 8th.  

  14. Before the first one, I had none.

    After the last one, I had none

    Hope that makes sense

  15. i have had 2 bf's wich i am only  12 one was 2 years long and other was a year long why did i ever break up with my first bf for ? i was so stupid!

  16. More than I care to think about.

  17. ^

    serious bf = 2

    fling bf = 12

  18. 7 or 8, a couple with undefined relationship boundaries, so don't know whether we were exclusive or not...

  19. I'm too malu to answer this..

  20. tidak ada mr crab still anak dara

  21. To many, but youll know when you find the right one!

  22. 1

  23. Bull Frogs or Green Frogs ? I don't like frogs...

  24. Lemme see, hmmm....1,2,3..........1..,.....2..

    Sorry, I lost the count!

  25. One GF only before while I was working oversea, but left me when I returned to my place of origin :(  

  26. 7 what does it matter to you  

  27. goldfish and bodohfish...

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