
How many Big Macs can you eat in one go??

by  |  earlier

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i managed 3 today




  1. Pleeese. Im on a diet !!!

    I could eat a scabby hoss, never mind 3 Big Macs !!

  2. 5 but that was after 2 weeks of rations

  3. none.they're gross

  4. Big Macs are disgusting. I go for the cheeseburgers hold the onions!

  5. One - I usually have a cheeseburger!

  6. 0

    those  are  so crappy! gross

  7. 2, sounds really good.

  8. BULLY for you

    that's 3 more than I would eat.

  9. Even though they are bad for you, they taste SO GOOD!! I could probably only have one. If I attempted 2, I might be able to get it down, but I'd feel sick. That being said, I also haven't had one in years. I think I'm due...

  10. Zero....yuck.

  11. hahaha..i can eat up to 3 too!

  12. 355

  13. 4

  14. only one, more than two should be enough sodium to kill someone.

  15. I could easily do 3 or four if I was hungry and I skipped the fries.

    I once put a whole big mac in my mouth at once............

  16. The "Pink Pig" can put away 7 in one sitting - as a 'starter.'  He then devours several saveloys, fish 'n chips, 'chinese',  one full-blooded 'English builder's' breakfast with black pudding and 'bubble 'n squeek', KFC, 1 large 'bloomer' smothered with Kerrygold butter, 'roly poly', 'spotted d**k', apple crumble and custard (hot), and, ends up wanting to kill himself! We then take him to the local 'Indian Tandoori' where he has two chicken vindaloos with 6 onion bhajees washed down with 11 large Cobra beers. We then sit him in the back of the car for the ride home, whereby he rubs and taps his belly, 'passes wind' (we all turn green), smiles, and exclaims: "Do you know guys, life is not that bad after all!!!!"

  17. None - they're revolting!

  18. One

  19. 2 crunchy tacos from taco bell if i must

  20. None - I would not even feed this to my dog, the food is gross

  21. none did you see supersize me you should  take a look  because you are putting your health and life in danger

  22. I haven't had one for years, well over 15 now after I found out what went in them, they may have changed now but I would hate to think what would happen to you if you done that every day!

  23. None...I can't stand the things...If I'm going to Maccas, I'm doing the quarter pounder with cheese...

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