
How many British men like Glitter go to Thailand to abuse children?

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It is well know that there are loads of "Glitters" who go there on holidays just for that purpose, child prostitution is everywhere.




  1. He abused the children in Vietnam

  2. Glitter isn't British anymore, we are disowning the fraggle.

  3. Well, it's not just British men. There are also plenty of men from the US, Canada, and continental Europe who go there to get their rocks off with kids.

  4. what do they do?????????? what kind of abuse????????? be more specific!

  5. so many people go to other countries for just this reason

    they are sick and twisted and should be taken to the tower of london and beheaded on tower hill and then their heads stuck on sticks as a warning  

  6. here we go the same old "men who go to thailand go to abuse children" c** the s*x industry in thailand is 90% for thailand men because s*x before marraige in thailand is frowned upon........the girls that do have s*x with western men do it as a choice to make money for themselves and family...............child s*x is frowned upon in thailand and will get u 10 years i the bangkok hilton so paedophiles go to do their filthy pastimes in other countries where the law is more lax......................finally this is another question by some young girl who knows nothing about the subject but loves to see the type of council estate vigilantism that is being displayed here

  7. Have you ever been to Thailand.? No then how do you know that "loads" of Glitters go there? I have been there and I can tell you that you are wrong. There are probably more Glitters in the UK than in Thailand where the law is VERY strict against paedo's and drugs.  

  8. Not exclusive to british men, all should be strung up though!

  9. There are thousands of men from the UK (and other parts of the world) who go to Thailand,Vietnam , Sri Lanka and Cambodia as part of the s*x tours organized by travel companies. The same holds true for many countries in Africa and South America. This is hardly news. It only becomes a popular topic for the media when well  known persons like Glitter are involved, and people get excited about it. Nobody, you will note, enquired about the compensation the UK government did not offer to the parents of the children involved. Governments the world over know the facts about paedophilie tours but don't do anything, so they are probably involved in the profits or worse.

    And, of course, no one will enquire about those guys who did not know about child prostitution until now, but who will jump on a plane tomorrow and in a matter of twelve hours, be able to rape a young Asian child, thanks to the British newspapers. Happy now?

  10. Yes there probably are, so does that mean that the Thai authorities should turn a blind eye to one that they know is going to be doing that?  

  11. Good question and I think the answer is LOADS. Would you know if your husband or partner went?  

  12. Hmm er well......I have no idea......Men eh tut.....

  13. They go to Asia because they are easy targets and maybe don't fancy western children.

  14. It is disgusting how prevalent it is.  I just heard some s*****k was arrested in California for setting up a "vacation" that caters to pedophiles who want to have s*x with kids in Thailand.  WTF is wrong with people?

  15. It's not just the British every nationality has dirty vermin in their midst !

  16. Another disguised attack on men. I don't know the anwer to your question, and neither does anyone else. That includes those that are trying to sell the idea that there are lots.

    Why are you interested?

  17. He went to Vietnam and Cambodia before that. Thailand was only his transit point on his flight back to Britain.

    Why do PERVS go to places like Thailand? Because people are desperately poor there and will sell and pimp out their kids to feed themselves and the PERVS take advantage of the slack Policing in these places. The Thai's are usually more concerned in banging people up for 25 years for attempting to smuggle heroin or marijuana.. or even more concerned in covering up their trade with Burma...

    Child prostitution is not everywhere. It is not in England. Only Paedophiles who rent and borrow kids from one another .

  18. why the word british why not french spanish dutch german scottish welsh danish norwegian swedish austrian brazillian argentinian swiss why use the word british like its only british that do it plenty big buisness in asia india please change

  19. Hundreds of thousands go to the far east, as s*x tourists, according to a news item i was watching today. As to how many British men, probably thousands, i personally know three, not for s*x with  children but with women, i put it down to the fact they are inadequates, and simply can't get women here.  

  20. It's not just the brit's,here in america 20/20 just got dont with an undercover child prostitution sting in bangkok,and most of the camera's revealed american politicians and american doctor's,lawyers and other american eliteist's.They all need to burn in h**l!

  21. Thousands and thousands. Not just British men either.

    And not just men. There are many, many female s*x tourists too, though they tend to favour African boys rather than Far Eastern ones.

  22. countless western men go to the far east (amongst other places) to abuse kids... whats really sick... is that there are people in these countries pimping kids out to these disgusting perverts

  23. I get what you mean.

    Yes - but its not just the dirty sad pervs that go for s*x or as they call it 'to find love' - loads of men and women go and gawp at the poor women trading themselves because their country is so poor.

    Anyone that walks around the red light district in Thailand is basically encouraging prostitution and exploitation by tourists.  The locals dont get there except to work and make money.


  24. Men from all over the world go to countries where pedophilia is accepted; they even have a sort of club med for these perverts so they have little boys lined up when they arrive in the country. NAMBLA does this as well. Michael Jackson moved to Dubai ostensibly to be near his friends, the Saudi Royal family, but it is interesting to note that he can have free reign to indulge in any sexual fantasies he pleases there with no fear of retaliation.

  25. They don't only go to Thailand, they are everywhere.

    Watch the film Trade and see how they smuggle kids and women from one place to another. Good film but also shows reality as it is and how we don't know the half of what is going on under our very noses.

  26. True but it is not only British men.  According to internet articles I have read recently, it's all nationalities... Germans, French even Japanese. It's that bad.   And it is not only children (which in itself is bad enough) but young women are lied to about job prospects in richer European countries  only to find themselves forced into prostitution.

  27. Hee hee , what about what the Arabs get up to with young lads in Saudi ? You won't hear much about that any time soon, the west wants to keep onside with the house of Saud !!

  28. I dont think anyone would own up to that one..if only it was that easy to catch the offenders

  29. Too many, but not just Thailand. It's happening wherever you are too.

    We all need to do everything we can to stop these sick people

  30. It's not just Brits; when I was working for a dive outfit on Phuket a couple of years ago I saw every night old western men with young girls and boys, some of them well below the normal age of consent. They are f#cking disgusting, and they seemed to be ignored by the cops-the general consensus was that with the right bribe even the biggest sicko paedophile can get away with their filthy tricks.

    The local people don't help themselves it must be said. During a trip in 2002, we heard that Gary Glitter was busted in a nearby hotel by the Thai police whilst trying to "buy" some time with a young Cambodian girl-from her mother of all people. The cops didn't want the bad publicity and quickly deported him to Cambodia. The only reason he'd been caught was due to an alert British tourist spotting him with the kid and her mother, putting 2 and 2 together, and calling the cops. If he even had a shred of decency he'd get himself castrated. Or I would be happy to do it for him

  31. How many men the world over go to Thailand or indeed commit the same perversions in their own homes, more than I care to think about to be honest what a sorry state the world is in.

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