
How many British tourists vist the costa del sol each year?

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Thanks to people who thought it was around 100,000, but that's probably too low. Ibiza gets around half a million Brit tourists each year, so the Costa would arguably have more. Can anyone else help?




  1. 1 million people

    and there are all very civilised, and well-behaved,  and are interested in learning about Spanish culture.

    Their Spanish is of course fluent

  2. 4

  3. hehe probably around 80,000. Then you should count how many Britains actually LIVE there.........too many to count. Whenever I go to the coast of Spain (I'm from Spanish descent by the way) all I see are British people.

    I remember one time my friends from Spain and I did a road trip to the coast to stay in our apartment and we went out for a coffee on the beach. I was the only one who could speak english as well as spanish. The waiter did not know Spanish so I had to translate!!! I asked why this was and he said he didn't need to know spanish as everyone spoke to him in english.

  4. 38

  5. I like "Dumb American"'s answer...very "tongue in cheek"!!!

    Actually the real figures are more like the following:

    I've gone to the National Statistics Bureau for information...

    These statistics are for the year 2000. (So you must add on about 3.3 % more per year after that...

    In the year 2000 Spain received 74.4 million visitors

    71% arrived by plane, 22.5% by car, the rest by train or ferry.

    Brits were the number ONE with:

    12.8 million tourists, which was a total of nearly 27% of all visitors

    Of these the destination was:: Andalucia (came in 4th. with nearly 14% - Catalunya was 3rd, Canary Islands 2nd. and Baleares 1st.)

    Which means about 1,776,000 came to Andalucía (now add on to that the aprox. 15 % growth in the following 5 years

    And you have the correct answer for 2005 (aproximately 1,805,000)

    Now Statistics for Malaga Airport...

    6,075.516 passengers will arrive via Malaga Pablo Picasso Airport this year....

    If we stick to the 27% of UK citizens, that makes aproximately 1,800,000 for the Costa del Sol (remember the other statistics are for ALL of Andalucia). Now, those are the ones that travel by plane...Remember another 22% travel by car so tack on the corresponding 27% of those also...

    Et Voilà!

  6. didn't know there was such a thing outside Final Fantasy 7

  7. about 100,000

  8. 60, 000 Britons visits the Costa De Sol each year.

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