
How many British town councils have been brought by tesco`s so they can build where ever they like?

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the workington town council in west cumbria have given tesco permission to build a supper store tesco`s by given it the land wich was given to the people workington for sports and recreuration by the curwen family we also play a trditilnal game of uppies and downs a football game with no rules wich as been played in the town of workington for centuries and is also full of wild life and floodplains

so please can you tell me if you council has done the same by giving up you land to tesco`s to distroy for good




  1. all of them

  2. Woolwich, SE London, the council have actually given Tesco's their own main Municipal office site to build the largest Tesco's in Europe. The offices were only built in the 1970's

    I'm sorry that people on this forum have decided to barrack people because of spelling mistakes. I suppose that's just down to ignorance. I'm surprised that SWP Sceptic has joined in thogh (sorry spelling mistake) he said in a previous question he was going to mend his ways.

    ATB Red

  3. I am no lover of Tescos but I remember what it was like before we had these stores.

    I would not want to go back to those days.

  4. The council don't give them the land. Tesco's have to purchase the land. The council may have got a loophole, cause shopping is classed as a recreation pastime.

  5. I take it from your spelling, they also brought ground that was going to be where they were building your school!

  6. I thought the BNP harassed minorities. Tesco's is a bit out of your league isnt it?

  7. Darran, if you look on the BNP website, in its advice on cyber-propaganda, it does ask that you don't make it look like all BNP members are uneducated morons, by publishing rants in poor English.

    Councils have to bear many things in mind, including the employment that superstores like Tesco provide. Just because Workington Town Council have (wrongly in your opinion - I can't say) given planning permission, what evidence have you that corruption is involved?

    Lobby your county council if you aren't happy, lobby your MP.

    Just don't call yourself BNP Darran when you talk to decent people, because most of us believe the BNP to be a bunch of racist thugs.

  8. Bought, not brought.

    Look at it this way, the people of Workington should be happy to have a large company like Tesco employing hundreds of people.

  9. could not even guess at the number ..!!but every town and city council that have allowed big supermarkets will have received a nice sum of money from them somehow !!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. well done tesco.

  11. Our council here, in the north west repeatedly advises the local population of how well they are doing,yet one of our best centre town roads that used to support a whole range of top quality shops are now littered with what can only be described as cheap and nasty shops, we have, Debenhams, M&S. Woolies,but the smaller retailers  of quality driven out by very high rents.; What price big brother?

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