
How many Christians are there?

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How many Christians are there in Israel and how many are there in Gaza and the West bank? Also, How are they treated by the Jews in Israel and how are they treated by the muslims in Gaza and the West bank? Please provide links of proof for your answer if at all possible.




  1. In answer to your first question, (which lead me here), There are about 1 billion Christians on the face of the earth.  There are also about 1 billion Muslims on the face of the earth but, neither or these is the most populace religion.  Bet you don't know which is.

  2. Israel is a healthy democratic country, the world's only Jewish majority state.

    Contrary to what anti-Semites and neo-n***s claim (as you will invariably find on this site), Israel is not a "racist, pure-Jewish state".

    That is proved by the percentage breakdown of the religions in Israel:

    76.1% Jewish, 16.2% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.6% Druze.

    There are over 130,000 Christians in Israel.

    Haifa, Israel is even home to the Bah'ai headquarters and a few hundred volunteer staff- in Islamic countries (that religion began in Iran), Bah'ais are massacred by Muslims, who see them as a heretic cult- in Israel they are a legal, protected religion.

    A small community of Hindus even resides in Israel (Hare Krishna sect) and noticeably in the past few years, a Buddhist community.

    These are things you would not see in the countries around Israel- Hindus and Buddhists are seen by Islam as even lower than Christianity and Judaism, and adherents to these Eastern religions are put to death or expelled in Islamic countries.

    Christians are treated generally very well by Jews in Israel, which is very good considering that you'd think that the Jews who finally got their independence back might want to take revenge for the many centuries of being massacred, but, Judaism teaches not to hold grudges-

    "do not hold the son accountable for the actions of his father."

    There are some tensions especially when Christians try to convert Jews---> you will probably see that this site's resident anti-Semites and neo-n***s "dug some dirt up" and found that in one town a few New Testaments were burned...something from a while back.

    As for that isolated incident, I say, it was wrong to do, even while being persuaded to convert to Christianity, but one must understand- Jews have been put to the sword and forced to either convert or die by both Christians and Muslims, so even today's Jews are not tolerant about people trying to convert them.

    Additionally, the rest of the country held protest rallies in various places in Israel like Tel-Aviv and Haifa, as well as numerous other cities, to show their disgust in what this small group of radicals did, and several head Rabbis of Israeli cities apologized for this embarrassment to the Jewish community.

    Christian Israelis are loyal citizens of Israel and serve in the army like regular Israeli Jews, they serve in the police force, legal system, and in politics.

    Christians in Gaza and in Muslim-occupied areas in the West Bank are not so lucky.

    While the number of Christians inside the rest of Israel remains stable or rises, the amount of Christians in Muslim-occupied Israel (Gaza and parts of the West Bank) is dwindling fast.

    Daily attacks, abuses, and restrictive laws force many Christians to emigrate from the region, or move.

    Gaza has recently seen a frightening spate of violence against Christians....several Christian schools have been hit with attacks from Muslim militants, even civilian Muslims occasionally attack their Christian neighbors with automatic fire and Molotov cocktails.

    Cafes and businesses owned by Christians are regularly looted and set on fire by Muslim Hamas militants and the local populace, there was a cafe last month where a suicide bombing took place to kill Christians, but thank God only the bomber was killed.

    Even the Christian clergy are not safe- nuns who work at Montessori and churches are sometimes gang-raped by Muslim militants, these stories are hushed up.

    So I dunno, I hope you learned something.

    EDIT- JD I am offering you forgiveness, and the chance for you to make amends, which is wholly fair on my part. But, yeah go ahead and spit on that forgiveness, at least you aren't burning us at the stake anymore, yay!....and I seem to recall that back in the Middle Ages when the printing press was not yet invented, hundreds of thousands of precious handwritten copies of the Torah and the Talmud were burned by Christians as they put "Judaism on trial", so I am sure that one little incident won't kill you guys, after all we put up with.

    And I said it before- it was NOT right. And this is not something to "keep score" over, but just imagine for a second and you'll see that as wrong as those people who burned those NTs were, they were sorely provoked. I am NOT justifying it though. I would NOT do it myself.

    Worst I would do would be to say "f*ck off and stop trying to convert me", I would NOT do that.

  3. We will never agree on a number.  I say there is 1.5 - 2 billion Christians and a like number of Muslims. With Islam growing at a faster rate.

    some say that in all of history there have been about six billion people  born until the present generation which numbers about the same.  The first time in history the present population has matched with previous numbers.

    Ultra you say it's in Judaism to forgive and forget yet all your posts seem to be you complaining about Jewish history.  Are you brain locked.  Move on.

    Let's deal with Israel today.  We only have this moment.  You can't change history or predict the future past what God has told us.

    Your excuse for burning my bible is just stupid.

  4. I love your picture.

    The answer is provided by Walid Shoebat, an "ex-Palestinian" Arab:

    "As I lived in Palestine, everyone I knew could trace their heritage back to the original country their great grandparents came from.  Everyone knew their origin was not from the Canaanites, but ironically, this is the kind of stuff our education in the Middle East included.  The fact is that today's Palestinians are  immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, Muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door.  My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews.  He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families.  The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants."

    Hannah Qumsieh, of Bethlehem, is an Arab Christian.  He spends his days playing online poker, fretting about unpaid bills and trimming his lemon trees at his house overlooking the field where the Bible says an angel told shepherds of the birth of Jesus.  Qumsieh retired from the Palestinian tourism office last year, but has received no pension checks since the terrorist Hamas won elections a year ago and the West slashed aid to the Palestinian Authority.

    "If I had money to leave, I would," he said, casting a glance at the newly built white-stone house next door in Beit Sahour, one of the last Christian-dominated enclaves in the West Bank.  Bethlehem, just up the hill, is now less than 20 percent Christian.

    Now we know how the Muslims treat the Christians.  I leave the subject of Israel and the Christians to another expert.


  5. There are at least twice as many Christians in the Palestinian Territories than in the zionist domain. They have dwelt in peace with their Muslim brethren for a thousand years or more. Many Palestinians are themselves Christians and these are now the majority of Christians in the Holy Land,the American and European Christians having been ousted in 1948. All of their hospitals and schools were confiscated by the zionist government and their residency permits were withdrawn.  

  6. "unknown" above has the best figures available from the CIA factbook. It's hard to know exactly how many Christians are in either place though because they sometimes have to practice their religion in secret in both places. One thing is sure...there used to be a whole lot more Christians in both places than there are now. At this point, there are probably more Jews in New York, NY and more Muslims in Dearborn, MI than there are Christians in the entire region over there (probably because everyone is treated equally in the U.S. while Christians are persecuted over there). Read the two articles (different perspectives) that are in my sources and you will find some interesting information such as that it can be considered illegal to hand out a Christian Bible in Israel and that originally Bethlehem was 80% Christian while now it is 80% Muslim). In other words, Christians should support either side in this conflict (I know you so I know what you're wondering). We don't have to be against Israel necessarily, but we should not be for it either (and certainly neither Jews nor Muslims are our "friends"). Neither really deserves our support...period. The U.S. and American Christians in particular (76.5% Christian) should just let them fight it out among themselves and let whatever happens happen.

  7. theres about 149,359 christians in israel

    10,761 in gaza

    208,952 in the west bank

  8. Not so many.

    They are persecuted by the Muslims and welcomed by the Israelis.

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