
How many Christians here don't believe in hellfire torment?

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and is a symbolic expression of complete non existence.




  1. Me along with almost 7 million don't.  :o)

    Because it's not scriptual, not true.

  2. me...........its death......some get confused cuz some will burn up in fire when they fight Christ!!!!!!

  3. I believe jesus when he says that nobody comes to the father except through him.  But you have to remember jesus suffered unbearable pain on the cross for us and jesus is the son of god and was sent by god to save us and allow us to kind of have a fresh start with god and build a holy relationship with him in jesus's name, so basically when people don't acknowledge that jesus is his son and died for us it's like denying gods sacrifice and calling jesus a liar.  

    I don't believe we can judge what will happen to people when they die ( and we aren't supposed to really, only god can condemn people to h**l ) and i think about people who never had the chance to learn about jesus because they live in a remote part of the world or something like I haven't a clue what god exactly does to them because it's kind of not their fault.  If you think about it too much it really screws your mind up so it's best not to think about it.

    I also worry for my family who don't believe in jesus, although I'm not sure who does and who doesn't because I'm too scared to ask because if they don't I will really worry about them.  I am going to pray that they discover jesus!

  4. I for one don't believe in hellfire torment because that is not what the Bible really teaches.  It says that the dead are sleeping until the resurrection when they will come out of h**l, which is the grave.  Read (Revelation 20:13)  So not one is in h**l eternally and they are not suffering while they are there.

    And yes a parable is a story and not to be taken literally.

  5. Only the ones who are still capable of recognising evil.

    The ones who do believe h**l is eternal torment have to be content that they are cravenly worshiping a monster in an effort to save their own backsides.  Their spineless "worship" will only save themselves of course, if you're going to h**l too bad.

  6.    If  you  say  you  do not believe in h**l  or any part  of

      God,s  word,you are calling him a liar,

      you will have to explain that  when  you meet him.

  7. No I dont believe in Hellfire torment.

    Referring to the verse in Revelation 14:11. The Bible says "and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name". The Greek word in the strong concordance is Aeon, which translates as "An age, perpetuity, course, and eternal. To shed some light on what forever means and this will be in harmony to the meaning we need to look up a few texts on forever.

    First one is, Jonah 2:6, The Bible says, "I went down to the moorings of the mountains; The earth with its bars closed behind me forever, Yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God," Jonah was describing the experience of being in the belly of the whale or fish for three days. He says that he was in the belly of the well forever. Indeed, forever means until the event finished. He was not in the belly of the whale forever. As the translation above says "Course". The word forever here means until the event took its course. The course was until God made the whale or big fish threw up Jonah in the Land.

    h**l fire is a forever act. The fire will take its course and burn the wicked to ashes (see Malachi 4:1-3) and nothing will quench or put out the fire until the course is completed. The fire will not burn forever but the course which is the ashes will be completed. Exodus 21:6 says, "Then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever" In context, this is a slave or servant. If the slave wants to stay with his master for the rest of his or her life (forever). He or she could by piercing the ear be the masters forever. Forever mentioned here is for the rest of the person’s life or till the person finished the course of this life.

    1 Samuel 1:22 says, "But Hannah did not go up, for she said to her husband, Not until the child is weaned; then I will take that he may appear before the Lord and remain there forever." Samuel stayed in the presence of the Lord while on this earth until he died or reached the end of his course or age.

    Forever does not always mean going on and on. It depends on the context. Those that are righteous will live forever, (on and on). Those that are wicked will never be able to live again. Their life will be completely destroyed forever by h**l fire. Jude 7 says, "As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immortality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." The word eternal comes from the same Greek word as forever. Notice that Sodom and Gomorrah are a representation of what the h**l fire is going to be like. If we were to go over to the Middle East now where the place of Sodom and Gomorrah was we would not see a continuous fire taking place. The h**l fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and had an eternal or forever effect.

    Many people have become atheists because of the belief of forever burning. This is not the character of God. He loves us and hates the sin. If we hold onto the sin, the fire will naturally consume us with the sin. He is merciful and even the wicked will not be eternally burning but the end result will be forever....

  8. I used too, but I have since found Preperation-H

  9. I believe h**l is just separation from God. The fire and stuff is just a metaphor in my opinion.

  10. Jesus says that h**l is eternal torment.  So such people that reject and deny the truth that h**l is eternal torment, are calling Jesus a liar.

    Think about it.  Why go to the cross and suffer and die, just to save someone from "nothingness"?  That makes no sense.  

    Then Jesus wouldn't be saving you from anything.

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