
How many Christians know that harry potter is nothing but witchcraft?

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This site shows how satan slowly leads us in there with seemingly innocent things, introduces us to witchcraft and then over the years he has blown the door wide open. Now we have shows like charmed. The girl that stars in the show even said she was being haunted. She has demons around her. The coming one world religion is going to be witchcraft they are just getting you ready.

Why would we have anything to do with what God calls an abomination?

I think the majority are into witchcraft shows and books. Do you really think that you are making God proud dealing with witchcraft when he calls it an abomination. And before you all say it is fantasy, here is a scripture that the Bible tells us about imagination: Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

(Before you say what is wrong with imagination, it says EVIL imagination.)

I don't know how all of you can justify reading and watching programs about witchcraft when God tells you it is something He detests and is an abomination.

You might want to ask yourself this question. Do you think God will have anything in heaven dealing with witchcraft? Real or imaginary? I am very certain He will not. So why do you think it is okay?

You can justify all you want but there are a large percentage of people that are

turning to witchcraft and satanism due to those books and the programs that followed.




  1. Its all make believe!  The Bible and Harry Potter are both made up stories! Go and preach somewhere else.  

  2. Here's a question for you ... do you really think you are making God proud by spewing this nonsense about things that are MAKE BELIEVE.  I think if you said all that dribble to God himself he would smack you in the head for being ... well there's no other word for it ... an idiot.  For the record I am a Christian and YOU are the one who needs help not fans of a MOVIE.  It's the same thing in respect to the TV series Charmed.  Witches and Demons oh my.  Well the "witches" rid the world of the demons so anything you say about that show being related to SIN is as insane as what you say about Harry Potter.  Kind of like how "Rock N Roll" was called the Devil's music in the 50s.  That turned out to be insane Jesus Freak dribble just like what you have here.

    It truly is sad that you can't tell the difference between make believe and the "real" world.  You might want to read your Bible a little more.  I believe there is something in it about not judging others lest you be judged yourself.  

    You don't have the moral authority to make this claim ... it does point to some kind of insanity though ... might want to get that checked ... I could hook you up with a good "Witch Doctor" who could take care of that pretty quickly.

    Doesn't sound so nice and "Godly" when it gets thrown back in your face does it.

  3. I must say that I can understand your views somewhat. I am a Christian and also a minister's wife. I enjoy the Harry Potter books, and recognize them as a work of fiction. I know they are just a made-up piece of fiction, just as Sleeping Beauty, Snow-White (she shacked up with 7 guys), and other fairy tales. We must make God the priority in our lives and that is true; but we cannot judge someone for the children's fiction books they read. In the Bible it is mentioned that some Christians criticized others for eating meat offered to idols, that was purchased in the market place; eating such a meat may cause someone to go against their conscience, while others can eat and not think a thing about it. Also some Christians  kept certain days while others did not. It is a matter, I believe of not violating your conscience. Some Christians may strongly believe that it is wrong to read Harry Potter, and they should not do, because that would cause them to sin. Some like myself can read such books and not be affected by ideas of becoming a devil worshiper or try and cast a spell. It should be left up to the individual. It is a choice.

  4. doctors concot pills to help people with problems. isnt that kinda like a form of "witchcraft"? if so we better all stop going to the doctor! cuz thats where satan is hiding! right between the tounge depressers and the stethescope! extremist crack me up. what do you care anyways? more room in heaven for you right? haha CHECH THIS OUT!!!

  5. there's no witchcraft in Harry Potter. The characters are wizards and there are tons of magical creatures. But it's not like there's a detailed description of the "made-up, FAKE" spells and potions in the books. So I really could care less.

    The books are not even about magic, the books are about a boy discovering who he is, where he came from,  what his destiny is and ultimately what matters the most in the world (love, friendship, and faith). The magic just gives the already amazing story some extra Spice.

    I'm a Christian by the way and I don't give a d**n. It's just a book.

  6. oh i've always known, me nd my younger brother were never allowed to watch this that i have a child i monitor wat she watches cuz they slip tthese little things into kids shows !!!

  7. hmmm interesting theory but there are some hole:

    first off the series is completely fictional and it is geared towards people who understand this.  Second i think the books go beyond just witchcraft, they teach children about bravery, honesty, loyalty and many other characteristics that contribute to being an upstanding citizen.  And lastly, the books show the contrast between good and evil and how good will conquer

  8. LMAO! I love people like you! You guys never fail to brighten my day!


  10. Well you must realise that Christianity, a "satan" or "devil" and the concept of a "god" is fiction and a man-made belief system.  And witchcraft doesn't exist, it's just a fantasy as well.  There's nothing evil about it...just childish think it's evil because it scares you.  And the book (bible story) is a load of hog wash parables written by misguided men who meant well. Possibly schizophrenics suffering from mass hysteria.  If your god created everything, then he created the fantasy of witchcraft and the concept of evil, which is just the human interpretation of fear.  I could go on, but you seem a bit deluded anyway so what's the point.

  11. Go thump your bible elsewhere.

  12. Oh my God.

    It's only meant to entertain children.  J.K. Rowling isn't trying to build Satan's army.  Some people take this -way- too seriously.  If you don't want to read it, then don't.

    But don't blame the books for the lack of faith in today's society.  And if your faith is strong, then surely it won't falter because of some fantasy novel meant for pre-pubescent teens.  That's just sad.

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