
How many Democrats are voting McCain/Palin?

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What are your reasons?

Let me first thank you for seeing through Obama's c**p. I'm pretty happy we could pick such a Moderate candidate as McCain, and such a diverse candidate as Palin. I'm really excited this election year.




  1. the fact that bias between both parties are so diverse and polar opposite to eachother just makes me not want to vote for either parties. everywhere i go there's one person bashing mccain, and one person bashing obama. the truth of the matter is we're brainwashed by our secondary sources. i don't say that out of paranoia or conspiracy, but i'm tired of being manipulated into believing a hype that may or may not exist. but as for now, i'm pretty positive i want to vote for the right person to eliminate our corrupted, hypocrite government and make the US one nation. i know that can't be achieved nonetheless, but obama is the person in my opinion that can provide a stepping stone to such a future that can't be acheived, because it's worth the roll. i respect both candidates for numerous milestones already made, but i don't want a debacle that'll be comparable to the fall of rome handled by a person who will lie to us all at the end.

    and the reason i'm failing to mention palin is because she - no matter how groundbreaking she is - is NOT the republican candidate. she's just stealing the thunder of both parties, agree to disagree. it's not about palin vs obama, it's about the obama vs mccain. again, my opinion is very biased, and i respect anyone reading this whether you're black or white, man or woman, republican or democrat. at the end, it's ultimately your decision and bias.

  2. Mccain knows little about economics and if he wants to drill oil off of the california coast and then an earthquake hits it is going to get real ugly around here

  3. All of my family members are voting for John McCain/Sarah Palin.  They changed their votes when Barack Hussein Obama was exposed for attending that racist church for 20 years!

  4. ME !!!!!!!!

    Registered democrat............but i vote for who i believe is the right choice, not a political party!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Being a Dem or Rep. is a brainwashed fool.  Research ILLUMINATI and you'll find all the answers about what's really going on in the good ol' USA.  

  6. I am

    Obama is just plainly unqualified to lead a country, has accomplished nothing politically except give a few speeches, and is promising all this stuff that he cannot realistically provide.  He's just a straight up con man

  7. How is Palin diverse?  She may represent diversity, but she herself is not "diverse" as you put it.

    No, Obama is a nightmare, but McCain is sadly asleep at the wheel.  You cannot let this 72 year old has been take on the top job and have such an underqualified "token candidate" as VP.  What if McCain falls ill and Palin has to assume command and we face another 911 scenario?  I don't think Palin is up to the job.  This is my opinion and maybe I am wrong, but I think a lot of enemy states are probably thinking "lightweight Palin" right now.  

    And I am a L*****n from a liberal area and hold liberal values. For me, it was Hillary or nobody and I feel a lot of gloom about this impending election.  Sure, it is exciting, but exciting in the way a disaster is fascinating to watch.

  8. I am a democrat who will be voting for McCain/ Palin. There is no way I could support Obama and his socialist policies.

  9. Not if the world was about to explode...what a bore that old f**t is...his bio put me to SLEEP.

    Besides she's not what she appears....the snooze and flooze....seriously....he is one major BORE.

    God only knows what she'll turn out to gotta be nutz for going for that unholy DUO.

    Yeah what a horrible thing Obama wants to bring to the care for for all.  US suppled oil.  Tax breaks for companies who stay in the States and employ US citizens.

    God help you.  Vote in McCain who is a self-admitted spoiled brat who is "used to getting his way".


  10. well, all those who answer "me" or "positive" will be actually republicans

  11. My mom and my sister are democrats and are happy they can vote for McCain/Palin.

    The extreme left can deny it all they want, but I know of several moderate dems besides the ones I listed who are voting for McCain.

  12. I am voting for Obama-Biden.

    McCain will probably die in office and Palin is just so not ready...  don't use your rhetoric... you know it is true.  Palin makes Obama look like John Adams.  Palin is just a beauty peagent queen.  Governor of Alaska for 2 seconds is not enough to govern the lower 48 states.  Maybe Palin can be ready in 2016, but not 2008.

    McCain just handed the election to Obama-Biden.

    Sorry to rain on you parade.

  13. Obama has plenty of problems, but McCain is far too hawkish for me. He wants to stay in Iraq forever and would probably get us into war with Iran. Have you ever heard McCain say anything about working toward peace or to ending the war? His whole life has revolved around war and the military and so would his presidency.

  14. Palin is real change and will energize the country.

    I asked a similar question..

  15. Im Democrat, and Im staying faithful to my fellow Democrats.

    Its ridiculous that democrats are turning to republicans.

    Come on folks, you really want 4 more years of the last 8. Its so sad, that the High Gas prices didnt bother you and your family that much, or the war in Iraq didnt bother sad. Come on folks..wake up.

  16. A warmonger who consistently votes against veterans and against woman and a creationist bible-thumper VP? No thanks. I'll vote for the ones who actually represents Democratic values.

    Obama/Biden 2008

  17. I'm a Democrat and I am for McCain.

    There are just too many negatives involving Barry.

    And I am sick and tired of the far left nuts like Barry high-jacking the Democratic party. McCain all the way!!!

  18. Am a democrat and am voting for McCain because of my religion and my moral beliefs..Obama does not have the experience McCain has..and he's just doing it for fame.! to make history..! I care more about my morals than the War in Iraq..! sorry just that!  

  19. I am a democrat and I will be voting for Obama/Biden, and I know hundreds of other people that will as well!

  20. Not this democrat. Why would adding Palin, make me change my mind? It wouldn't. Let me be the first to thank you for re-inforcing my decision.

  21. I'm going to reserve my final decision until the debates between Obama and McCain and Biden and Palin.  I was a democrat for fourty years, but after the rules of the DNC were brought out into the light, I can never be a democrat again.  I never realized how manipulative they were.  I really disliked their treatment of the Clinton's, the best their party has had to offer in many years.  

    They are so far left now that they turn my stomach.  I'm an independent moderate and I'm am very likely to vote Republican for the 2nd time in my life.  I am very impressed with Palin.  She lives her convictions.  Very rare these days.

  22. My whole family, and just about every Democrat that I know. I live in a small town, so I know just about everyone.

  23. I can't because they are against rights for g**s, against reproductive rights for women, and for ruining the environment, ecosystem, and further endangering some endangered species by drilling in a preserve for a trivial amount of oil that will not sustain the US for any foreseeable period, and they believe the war is just.

  24. I'm so excited :D I can't wait for McCain to die and Palin to attempt to join Church and State as one!!

    Please. The republicans this year are a joke. If they win then expect more 9/11s. Thumb me down all you want. Deny the truth, I don't give a ****.

  25. Ive heard of many, and the main reason i hear is cause he isnt BO.

    He may not be the perfect candidate, but he sure as h**l is better than BO.


    Finally someone who knows something!!!

  26. Since Palin came on the scene i am voteing for her because atleast we will have someone with some common sence in the white house.

  27. You're a woman, right?

    So why would you vote for someone who seeks to reverse women's rights and equality in pay wages?

    It's so sad that you're so bought up into this idea that Palin represents you.

    But unless your a social fundie, religious gun nut--you're just a means to a way.


  28. All of my family.  Obama is a liar and a racist.

  29. I can't vote for McCain/Palin - they are both against abortion - something that I believe is a woman's right, just like Palin has the right to help overpopulate the earth by having 5 kids.  I do not find them moderate at all.  In fact, while I wish that someone (Hilary?) other than Obama was the Dem's pick, I'm going to have to vote for him.  I'm not voting for people that hate me and all I believe in (see McCain/Palin) and I won't waste my vote by voting for an Independent candidate (at least not until there is one who will actually win).  I guess, as an American who believes in what the Founding Fathers wanted for this country, I can't vote for a ticket that will try to destroy this country.

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