
How many Gargoyles on NOtre Dame?

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i need to know how many gargoyles there are on Notre Dame De Paris. doesnt have to be exact but i need a close estimate if not exact. thnx




  1. I don't know and I want to tell you that it is driving me crazy. (Note that I am  #1 on the Paris leader board)

    I didn't bother with this question because I thought sure that every school kid in Paris must know. But I noticed today that no one had answered you so I figured I'd just do a couple of google searches and find out for you.

    I can tell you how many steps there are up to the gallery where the main collection of gargoyles is. I can tell you who refurbished them after long neglect and revolutionary vandalism destroyed most of the original ones. I now know more about gargoyles in general than I ever wanted to know but NO ONE seems to know how many there actually are.

    Apparently no one gives a number because no one has ever bothered to decide what is and is not a gargoyle or how to count bits and pieces of gargoyles which are part of the outside decoration.

    I even located a letter from the Paris Tourism Board in which they say THEY don't know.

    I pulled out all my old photo albums and tried to count them but I don't have a single clear shot of even the gallery so I can't be sure I'm not counting some twice or leaving others out.

    And since I won't be back in Paris until September I am going to be obsessing about this until then.

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