
How many Holocausts in world history?

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Not just the one that jews claim but ALL of them.




  1. If you're asking about the entire history of the world that would be impossible to answer since so much history has not been recorded.  It's possible to find how many holocausts there were carried out by whites in recorded history but those are hardly the only ones.  For example in America there were many American Indian tribes that were completely wiped out by other tribes long before Europeans got here, that would be a holocaust but nobody knows how many times that happened.

  2. One holocaust. That's just the name of that particular genocide. If you want to know how many gneocides there have been you're asking an unanswerable question. Many of them will have been covered up and others just forgotten. Let's just say too many.

  3. Only one Holocaust.  That was the most systematic genocide ever done complete with tracking systems, transportation systems, and execution systems.  The scale of it puts other genocides to shame.  

    Genocide has been around since pre-recorded time.  Any time you had two groups of people wanting the same land, it happened.  If the losing group couldn't move off and the winning group succeeded, they wiped them out.    

    Look at what is happening in Darfor now.  You have a dark-skinned people being forced off their land (and killed if they don't move fast enough).  The lighter skinned victors are even raping the dark skinned women so their children will be of their group.   They want the dark skinned group permanently gone.  

    It's not a new story, but a hundred years ago we wouldn't even have known it was going on (or cared).   People take such things more seriously now because we CAN hear about it.

  4. If we use the holocaust definition I found that states: "any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life", then there are countless examples in history. I can include everything from the n**i Holocaust to the Columbine school shooting.

    I'll take this question in the form of genocide of any kind. In that sense, we have:

    n**i Holocaust

    Armenian Genocide

    Holodomor (up to interpretation: not all agree it was a genocide or not)

    Circassian Genocide (occurred in Russia/Caucasian area in late 1800's)

    Cambodian Purges (during the Khmer Rouge regime)

    Rwandan Genocide

    Darfur Conflict

    And of course, there are numerous more of a smaller and less popular scale, or lost in history because of the lack of existing documents.

  5. See below for complete list.

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