
How many ICBMs (inter continental balistic missiles) are ready in the USA, right now?

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it's about 500, mostly minutman III missiles, in northern colorado, eastern wyoming and western nebraska

avg 300 kiloton (about 20 times hiroshima) warhead each

less than 1 hour to target




  1. what do you need to know? are you a spy??

  2. I'm sure that info is classified.  But ICBMs are no longer our first line of defense.  They are too easy for enemy missiles to take out.  Our first line of defense today, our biggest threat, is nuclear submarines, because they're harder to find.  One nuclear submarine has enough missiles and warheads to take out every city in the USSR with more than 20,000 population!

  3. i think somewhere around 7,000?  that's just my memory though.  it used to be like three times higher, but in the treaties of the 80s and 90s the us and russia both agreed to cut down.  who knows if that really happened though.

  4. Enough

  5. lets just say enough to blow a lot of shithole countries up like iraq and those british people.

  6. There's enough to make the Korean guy and the Iranian guy , and the rest of them crawl back under their rock... If we had a leader with enough Cajones to say so......

  7. Enough to do whatever we want, where ever we want.  All we need is a leader with the balls.

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