
How many Innocent Civilians were killed in Kosovo when Gen Clark was making "Executive Decisions"?

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You know since Clark said that he made the decisions on where the bombs fell...Why is Clark only talking about John McCain's experience? Why has he not brought up all the Military and Executive Experience that Obama has? Oh he has none, so Clark is doing what he has always done...Brown Nosed and pushed his failures off on his subordinates...instead of attacking McCain, shouldn't Barack's Sheep be talking about his extensive experience?




  1. Keep in mind that president  Clinton pulled this guy out of Kosovo What can Obama supporters talk about? He has no experience

  2. The only thing McCain goes on is his phoney war record that is why this is brought up. You evidently don't want the truth. So again you have found someone to attack. So Clark can be the new Rev. Wright & we will see 20 questions a day now about Clark. That's good cause the more you focus on Obama good or bad the more people vote for him.

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