
How many Iranians/Afganis are in Ramadan section?

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just askin.....




  1. im pakistani.

    and pathan

    but i cant speak pashto. i only speak urdu

    but race is just a superficial thing. just a means of grouping people

  2. Grandparents (from dad's side) were from Afghanistan.  

  3. Well I am a Pakistani Pleasure to meet you Bro


    You are Arash's Brother Well that so Sweet He is a Very good User Here I like Him A lot


    Yeah I know He loves Us Pakistanis and He is Very Respectfull even towards Sina thats why I like Him.

    Hey what's with the Thumbs Down


    You have to feel for Sina I mean He did have a rough Child hood I usually Ignore His Insults.

  4. I'm from Kandahar, Afghanistan so Pashto is my native language soooo yeah... Salaam, chetor astee? kobe astee? cinga yea? lol

  5. chetor astei baba ?  

    doooset daram!!  

    delam vasat tang shode

  6. I'm not having a go at you or anything, but why does it matter? we are first Muslims then where we come from, it is a great shame how our Ummah is dividing into sects and nationalism. It is also profoundly shameful to me when non-Muslims witness our 'conflicts' here in Ramadan section. There are enough wars and fights going around in this world we don't need a virtual conflict here too!

    I love every one of my brothers and sisters no matter where they come from and whatever their points of view are, but lets be civil and friendly to each other... eh?

    "O Mankind!

    Most certainly, it is

    We( God almighty) who have

    Created you all

    >From a single (pair)

    Of a male and a female,

    And it is we who

    Have made you into

    Nations and tribes,

    That ye may recognise each other

    (Not that ye may despise each other).

    Verily, the noblest of you

    In the sight of Allah

    Is (he who is) the most

    Righteous of you."

    Holy Quran 49:13

    "And mankind is naught but a single nation."

    Holy Quran 2:213

    "And among His Signs

    Is the creation of the heavens

    And the earth, and the variations

    In your languages

    And your colours; verily

    In that are Signs

    For those who know."

    Holy Quran 30:22

    "All men(includes women) are equal in Islam, the Arab has no superiority

    over the non-Arab, nor does the non-Arab have superiority over the Arab,

    save in the fear of God."

    Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him.

  7. I'm from Fiji, and my ancestors from a long time ago were from India.

  8. salam im from Afghanistan

    Chotor Asten

  9. Well Im not ! Im a Pakistan ! And Iranians and Afghans are Our True Muslims Brothers !!

    JOin our p**i-Ummah Brother !

  10. well my first generation was from Afghanistan!!

    but i can still speak their languages!!

    i can speak pashtu, parsi, Urdu, Arabic and Spanish  & not engilsh!!


    man khob ast,

    wa shoma chetur ast?

    Tashkoor!! :D

  11. I am Pakistani!

    but are you Pakistani!

    if you are then hoe come you don't know Urdu???

  12. Oh Hai I iz a kitti am I included....?

    Oohhhhh u being not goody good talking bwt Sina u knw we shud nt backbitey in Islam.....? Uh oh u make kitti sadddddddddd

  13. "just askin....."

    No, you're not 'jus askin'. You want to know so that you can give them special treatment.

  14. I am. But I'm not a crazy nationalist or a fundie Muslim.

    Tweety is always angry; it's just her style. She's cool, though.

    Now give me special treatment.  I WANT BA's!

  15. I rarely post anything in the ramadan section, but I read allot of it's Q&A. I usually answer questions regarding iran instead.

    I'm Iranain.

  16. Iranian muslim here

  17. how come ur question still showing up and my one got deleted.

    this tells us we really need to be more careful about the ahmadis and submitters.

    Hi Not Afraid 2 Stand Alone,

    The question you asked on Yahoo! Answers was reported by the Answers community:

    "List all the Ahmadi and Quran-only(submitters) users in this section"

    This question has been removed. You may not have realized this, but all questions submitted on Yahoo! Answers must comply with the Answers Community Guidelines.

    If you believe that your question does not violate the Answers Community Guidelines, and would like to appeal the removal of your question, you can have your case reviewed by Answers Customer Care. You have 7 days to submit your appeal.

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    Yahoo! Answers Team

  18. My parents are from Afghanistan

    Mother from Herat ( mom is Shia )

    Father from Kabul ( Dad is Sunni )

    But I was born in Germany after they fled because of the Soviet-Afghan war

    We speak Farsi

  19. Faraz Khuwaja im with you bro a p**i too and Iranis and afghanis are our brothers...not talking about the terrorists (especially the afghanis)!  

  20. nope! i feel boring. i want to be from the middle east. i dont like america.

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